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Capstone 2011 EOL acceptance test tool
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[JavaScript tests] Administrator #30

Open Fedhell opened 13 years ago

Fedhell commented 13 years ago
* "Edit Page Contents"
      o "Instructions" should be clickable and show you.... errr... the instructions. This should toggle.
      o changing the two drop-downs at the top should reload the form. Preview and Submit should each work.
      o After opening "Preview Changes", the new page should have a "CLOSE THIS WINDOW..." link that closes the window.
* "edit EOL glossary" -> add term "Trusted" -> Go to a page with Content Summary in the TOC... check that the "Trusted" has a tooltip definition.
* "edit table of contents" moving up, moving down, adding chapters, trying that without a label, editing labels. (Note: there doesn't appear to be any way to remove the nodes you add... so be careful.)
* "edit news items" -> "Add a new..." -> typing in either field should show a counter to the left of it, and a preview below the form.
* "edit web users"
      o date select tools should show up for both date select fields. (And note the calendar view should have arrows to change months)
      o Click on a username, then:
            + "show roles" link should show the roles, then (the link should) disappear.
            + "show email message area" link should email message area and then (the link should) disappear.
* "view curators"
      o truncated credentials link (links ending in "...") should toggle the longer credentials.
      o DON'T TEST THESE ON REAL CURATORS (even on staging): clicking on the checkbox should submit a tiny form (should replace the user_curator_at datetime and user_curator_by name). clicking on remove should remove the row.
      o Click on a curator's name.  This brings up a page of details.  Edit their clade and submit.  Make sure this sticks!
* content partner details > click on the name of one of the CPs:
      o DON'T TEST THESE ON REAL CPs (even on staging): select list for "Content partner status" should post successfully to administrator/content_partner_report/set_agent_status.
      o DON'T TEST THESE ON REAL CPs (even on staging): when "Content partner status" value changes, it should post to administrator/content_partner_report/set_agent_status and update _(not sure what)_.

      o administrator/error_log drop-down should submit when "Filter by day" is changed.
      o "search term reports" > toggling "Inverse sort" should submit the form when clicked.

* Cancel buttons (these all use the same code, so you need only test one ** administrator/comment form ("edit" a comment from the "User Comments" section) "cancel" should take you back to the last page you were viewing.
      o administrator/user/_form cancel button should go back.
      o administrator/content_upload/edit Cancel button should go back
      o administrator/content_upload/new Cancel button should go back
      o administrator/news_item/_form cancel button should go back. (uses cancel_button_goes_back helper)
      o administrator/contact_subject/_form cancel button should take you back to administrator/contact_subject/index