EOL / tramea

A lightweight server for denormalized EOL data
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Many resources are missing "identifier" values and/or have empty names #164

Open JRice opened 8 years ago

JRice commented 8 years ago

...To name a few (EOL Group on Flickr is another).

See #162 for a full list of IDs.

I'm worried these were all post-April harvests and we've introduced a bug in ingesting this in the PHP code (it should be part of the early harvesting code where this happens). We should look.

AmrMMorad commented 8 years ago

These identifiers aren't null, they are empty strings. I've traced the code and found that no check is done over the identifier value read from the archive resource or the XML schema on empty values. Most of checks are done on null values. In fact I've found parts of the code that expect the case of empty values of identifiers such as HierarchyEntries class, method find_by_array. I think if we don't want case like that we need to do a check on empty string. I think names also need the same check (if applied) as there are many names which have empty string values.

jhammock commented 8 years ago

We need to discuss an appropriate solution for this.

AmrMMorad commented 8 years ago

Do you think that we need to discuss this in D&R? Thanks

jhammock commented 8 years ago

Good idea; next wednesday :)