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April 19 - Leap 5.0 hopes and dreams #124

Open chillsauce opened 1 year ago

chillsauce commented 1 year ago

Antelope Node Operator Roundtable

Antelope Node Operators, community members and Antelope core developers meet every Wednesday at 14:00 UTC to discuss opportunities to improve the Antelope protocol for node operators.

πŸ’¬ Join us in Telegram πŸ—‚ See all meeting summaries

πŸ—“ April 19 - 14:00 UTC

πŸŽ₯ Watch the recording


🟒 Leap Software Status

Leap v4.0.0 has been released. For this version, ENF focused on:

Even higher performance with multi-threading features Two new features to take advantage of multi-core architectures: SHiP multi-threading and parallelized speculative read-only transaction execution.

Reduced latency and faster block propagation Two new features to make block propagation even faster: schedule based auto-peering and lighter validation for block relays.

More control and visibility around state and history data A slew of features that provide more flexible access to data, including: a snapshot Scheduling API, a prometheus exporter for monitoring, and dynamic log splitting.

Other goodies For the full list of features, and more details, check out the release notes here: https://github.com/AntelopeIO/leap/releases/tag/v4.0.0

Technical roundtable for Antelope Node Operators

This week the magic genie lamp was passed around the roundtable and everyone had an opportunity to share their 3 wishes they'd like to see in Leap 5.0

See the wish list here.

Next week's topic:

Participants (15)

writebros commented 1 year ago


Bi-Monthly Node Operator Roundtable Summary [April 2023 # 2]