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Leap software development #41

Open chillsauce opened 2 years ago

chillsauce commented 2 years ago

As an EOS node operator, I need to know what version of EOSIO I should be testing on testnets so that I can be prepared for the eventual upgrade on mainnet.

Useful consensus features to consider activating by fall:

chillsauce commented 2 years ago

3.1 is the preferred option, waiting on costs and timelines. should have better sense in 1-2 weeks

chillsauce commented 2 years ago

Transaction lifecycle features may be ready to start testing in late May, or perhaps sooner

chillsauce commented 2 years ago

ENF will be sharing the acceptance criteria broadly for the transaction lifecycle features in the next week

chillsauce commented 2 years ago

Question from @matthewdarwin in Telegram:

I just want to make sure I understand what is in mandel 3.1. From what I heard, it has the following things:

Anything else planned so far?

chillsauce commented 2 years ago

The following EOSIO 2.1 items added into Mandel 3.1 (alongside what is already built in Mandel 3.0):

chillsauce commented 2 years ago

We're waiting for confirmation from Fractally team that they will commit to the 3.1 work

Dan's team confirmed they will be releasing 3.05 by early next week, which will include the following:


ENF Engineers are all onboard by April 11

chillsauce commented 2 years ago

3.0.5 has been merged and is ready to be tested on Jungle https://github.com/eosnetworkfoundation/mandel/pull/38

There's no release yet, if you want to test you'll need to build your own binary. ENF will release when new devs start in 3 weeks. EOS Sweden is publishing their binaries. @cc32d9 will ask them to post this when it's ready.

Kevin will tag it as a release candidate 3.0.5 RC1 Fractally team will provide release notes for their changes. Kevin will provide release notes for OCI changes.

From the Fractally team: "We have not tagged this work/commit because there are obviously OCI and numerous community contributions still to be included for 3.1. In lieu of a specific tag, this PR shows the merge where we included the dfuse changes. Let me know if you need any further details."

chillsauce commented 2 years ago

3.0.5.RC1 is now tagged with release notes

chillsauce commented 2 years ago

Bucky will be joining on April 18, Matt and Areg (new ENF devs) joining on April 11th

chillsauce commented 2 years ago

Transaction lifecycle features tracking for early June to be ready for testing on Jungle

chillsauce commented 2 years ago

Request for another feature to backport: https://github.com/eosnetworkfoundation/mandel/issues/85

There are a number of additional features that would be good candidates to backport. Stan and Kevin will work on compiling a list.

Stan has already started a list: https://github.com/cc32d9/code_reviews

chillsauce commented 2 years ago

From @matthewdarwin :

Hello all,

As part of mandel 3.1 plans, it has been previously discussed that the "blocks.log splitting feature" is a necessary requirement for the release to be acceptable to the community. Recently, a question arose, as to what is the actual requirements necessary for 3.1 related to this feature.

It is my (and a few other people's view) that the desirable list of features for mandel 3.1 is as follows:

1) keep all the blogs.log, in a single file, as per nodeos 2.0 (no change). Starts from beginning or based on a snapshot.

2) keep some recent blocks, in one file (or optionally more files at the discretion of the developers), and remove old blocks when the configured number of blocks passes

3) don't store any blocks at all (this is a new feature, not in 2.1)

If you have opinions one way or another, please add thoughts to the github issues: https://github.com/eosnetworkfoundation/mandel/issues/100 https://github.com/eosnetworkfoundation/mandel/issues/92

Above also applies to "ship" (state history)

chillsauce commented 2 years ago


chillsauce commented 2 years ago

By late May/early June all 3.1 features should be ready for testing on Jungle

chillsauce commented 2 years ago
chillsauce commented 2 years ago

Patch released to enhance subjective billing: 2.0.14 Release notes draft is in progress and available: https://github.com/eosnetworkfoundation/mandel/releases/tag/v2.0.14

chillsauce commented 2 years ago

Targeting June 7 for go/no-go for Mandel 3.1 RC1 going into Jungle4

chillsauce commented 2 years ago

June 7 was a no-go. Next go/no-go will be on June 14. High likelihood it will be a go, there were only minor items left to address.

chillsauce commented 2 years ago

Features to consider activating:

Need to determine what limits to test on configurable WASM limits

interwebcoding commented 2 years ago

The following EOSIO 2.1 items added into Mandel 3.1 (alongside what is already built in Mandel 3.0):

  • Provide options for nodeos to automatically split the blocks log and state history logs (every X blocks).
  • An eosio_blocklog utility that can read and split the logs.
  • ~Merge the work of the dfuse team (deep-mind logger) that was included in the 2.1 release.~
  • Remove deprecated features and modules listed at EOSIO Deprecations EOSIO/eos#7597

Hi, just a question about 2.1 Key Value tables. We have an enterprise customer using this feature. Last I checked, there was going to be a path in Mandel where this would be supported. Please could you confirm if this is still the case? https://eos.io/news/eosio-2-1/#key-value Thanks (Rewired.one) @chillsauce

chillsauce commented 2 years ago
chillsauce commented 2 years ago

Aiming to release RC2 with EVM and SHIP fixes next Tuesday, we will also require an RC3 to follow TBD date.

chillsauce commented 2 years ago
chillsauce commented 2 years ago
chillsauce commented 2 years ago
chillsauce commented 2 years ago

EOS Support has shared responses to the survey requesting feedback on fill-pg: 2979424562146452305fill-pg-feedback_update_20july22.pdf

chillsauce commented 2 years ago
chillsauce commented 2 years ago

Mandel 3.1 RC3 release is imminent - will likely become final assuming no issues found on Jungle after a week of testing

chillsauce commented 2 years ago

ENF are reviewing a few minor issues that have been reported for Mandel 3.1 RC3 and are meeting today to discuss the plan to address them and timelines. It is likely they are minor enough to go straight into the final release.

chillsauce commented 2 years ago
chillsauce commented 2 years ago
chillsauce commented 2 years ago
stephenpdeos commented 2 years ago

DUNE RC3 has been released to support CDT RC3 and Leap 3.1.0 Stable https://github.com/AntelopeIO/DUNE/releases/tag/v1.0.0-rc3

chillsauce commented 2 years ago
chillsauce commented 1 year ago
chillsauce commented 1 year ago
stephenpdeos commented 1 year ago

We are actively addressing the msig issue mentioned in the last two calls within this issue. We do not have a definitive timeline for eos-system-contracts v3.2.0 but this will be part of it https://github.com/AntelopeIO/reference-contracts/issues/7. Please note this issue is for reference contracts but the change will be in both places.

chillsauce commented 1 year ago
chillsauce commented 1 year ago

On the way:

chillsauce commented 1 year ago