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Fix MacOS 10.15 package installation error #11056

Open nickjjzhao opened 2 years ago

nickjjzhao commented 2 years ago

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The Test Package step for macOS 10.15 Catalina fails continuously on all eos branches (example1 and example2). It started at early Jan 2022. It looks like the Test Package fails whenever it has output "Checking for dependents of upgraded formulae". I didn't see this output in a previously passed test (example1 and example2).

After changing environment variable HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALLED_DEPENDENTS_CHECK to false, the Test Package passed. Here is the description about this variable:

  description: "If set, do not check for broken linkage of dependents or outdated dependents after " \
               "installing, upgrading or reinstalling formulae. This will result in fewer dependents " \
               " (and their dependencies) being upgraded or reinstalled but may result in more breakage " \
               "from running `brew install <formula>` or `brew upgrade <formula>`.",
  boolean:     true,

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