EOSIO / eos

An open source smart contract platform
MIT License
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new cleos set contract params don't seem to behave as documented #2032

Closed spoonincode closed 6 years ago

spoonincode commented 6 years ago
$ ./cleos set contract --help
Create or update the contract on an account
Usage: ./cleos set contract [OPTIONS] account contract-dir [wast-file] [abi-file]

  account TEXT                The account to publish a contract for
  contract-dir TEXT           The the path containing the .wast and .abi
  wast-file TEXT              The file containing the contract WAST or WASM relative to contract-dir
  abi-file TEXT               The ABI for the contract relative to contract-dir

I would have expected this to work..

$ ls ~/eos/build/contracts/eosio.bios
CMakeFiles      Makefile        eosio.bios.abi      eosio.bios.bc       eosio.bios.s        eosio.bios.wast.hpp
CTestTestfile.cmake cmake_install.cmake eosio.bios.abi.hpp  eosio.bios.cpp.bc   eosio.bios.wast

$ ./cleos set contract eosio ~/eos/build/contracts/eosio.bios eosio.bios.wast eosio.bios.abi
Reading WAST...
Assembling WASM...
1941681ms thread-0   main.cpp:1186                 main                 ] Failed with error: Assert Exception (10)
!"error parsing wast": Error parsing WebAssembly text file:
:1:1: expected '('

drwaldo commented 6 years ago

same error here on Mac / master using the "currency" contract I'm trying to follow the tutorial steps: https://github.com/EOSIO/eos#singlenode

I also tried by using eosiocpp to generate the .wast file from the source code in /contracts/currency but it throws exactly the same error.

$ cleos set contract currency currency.wast currency.abi

Reading WAST...
Assembling WASM...
2370762ms thread-0   main.cpp:1186                 main                 ] Failed with error: Assert Exception (10)
!"error parsing wast": Error parsing WebAssembly text file:
:1:1: expected '('
xnfy520 commented 6 years ago

cleos set contract currency ./currency -p currency ./currency is a contract directory.

drwaldo commented 6 years ago

that worked like a charm! thanks!

realcom commented 6 years ago

when I typed that commands, error has occured like

File is actually a directory: ../../contracts/currency ERROR: ValidationError: wast-file=../../contracts/currency Create or update the contract on an account Usage: cleos set contract [OPTIONS] account wast-file [abi-file]

I'm using mac and the branch is f6f8c66505cb6469e0c2e6027a03f72f1c9fd1a9.

csandwith commented 6 years ago

Furthermore, if the filenames of the ABI and WAST don't match their parent directory's name, cleos won't find them.

Repro: 1) mkdir /cleosIssue 2) put myContract.wast and myContract.abi into /cleosIssue 3) cleos set contract foo /cleosIssue myContract.wast myContract.abi Expected: Cleos would find the wast and abi just fine Actual: Cleos cannot find them, the only resolution is to rename /cleosIssue to /myContract (which is fine in practice, but the -h message implies that this is not supposed to be necessary)

andriantolie commented 6 years ago

Seems like for the wast file and abi file, it's relative path to current dir instead of contract dir, because the following works:

./cleos set contract eosio ~/eos/build/contracts/eosio.bios ~/eos/build/contracts/eosio.bios /eosio.bios.wast ~/eos/build/contracts/eosio.bios /eosio.bios.abi