One of the largest hold ups to EOSIO documentation was the lack of a testnet. The lack of which made progressing a user through the entire development experience require the user to deploy a testnet locally, which is not feasible for the majority of the audience.
Some recommended topics to cover:
Deploying an app to testnet (likely a brand new top level section in "Getting Started")
Understanding EOSIO Testnet's constraints.
Virtual instructions for deploying to a production blockchain network powered by EOSIO.
Fully document the intended EOSIO development workflow.
Steps to resolve this issue
[x] Create a new section in "Getting Started"
[ ] Use @iamveritas's documents prepared a year ago as a first drraft.
[ ] Create several steps under the "Getting Started" section
Draft the doc
[ ] Write the doc, determine an appropriate location (likely somewhere in this repo's /docs directory)
[ ] Set the content_title and link_text variables in the document's frontmatter bloc
Open a pull request
[ ] Open a pull request with your work, providing a title that describes the problem being solved and including the words "Resolves #[this issue's number]" in the pull request body
One of the largest hold ups to EOSIO documentation was the lack of a testnet. The lack of which made progressing a user through the entire development experience require the user to deploy a testnet locally, which is not feasible for the majority of the audience.
Some recommended topics to cover:
Fully document the intended EOSIO development workflow.
Steps to resolve this issue
Draft the doc
variables in the document's frontmatter blocOpen a pull request