MultiMAE: Multi-modal Multi-task Masked Autoencoders, ECCV 2022
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how to evaluate/test mae or multimae on test dataset? #21

Closed ucalyptus2 closed 1 year ago

ucalyptus2 commented 1 year ago

@dmizr @amir32002 @roman-bachmann thanks for the paper

is there a way in the code already to perform testing on a different dataset or is it required to code it up ourselves?

dmizr commented 1 year ago

Hi @forkbabu ,

If you are performing a standard classification task, you should be able to use the existing run_finetuning_cls.py script to run evaluation on a different dataset. It's worth noting that this has only been evaluated on ImageNet in our paper, but you should be able to change the config (e.g., nb_classes) and augmentations to make it work with your dataset. You can take a look at the evaluate function for more details.

If your task isn't classification, you will need to implement the evaluation yourself if you aren't using one of the datasets that we reported on in the paper.

kalyani7195 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the great work, btw! Any hints on inference(no fine-tuning) on the eval dataset for NYU val set? Thanks!