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Videos #184

Closed RomainLogean closed 1 year ago

RomainLogean commented 1 year ago


In this PR, I have implemented the video feature in our app.

Firstly, users can now record a video and post it as a question. To do this, you need to perform a long press on the camera button to start recording, and then click again to stop and attach it to your new question. If you perform a short click, it will take a simple photo as before.

Additionally, I have incorporated a player to display the videos in the question, allowing users to pause it or skip to a specific part of the video.

Lastly, I have added pop-ups for both videos and photos. By clicking on a photo or video, a new pop-up will open, displaying the photo or video in full screen.

I have also added an OnViewWithTimeout method in the app/util that might be useful for certain tests.

Please let me know if you notice any issues or if you have any comments. Thank you!

Closes #183