EPICLab / EPICLab.github.io

EPICLabs research lab website for Oregon State University
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Maintenance Updates (Jul-2020) #14

Closed nelsonni closed 3 years ago

nelsonni commented 3 years ago

The following items need to be updated:

  1. Update the Alumni section of the People page to include the current role/employer, and year of graduation, for each of the former students (similar to information included on https://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~sarmaa/students/). For example:
      Shane McKee
      MS, Oregon State University (2016)
      Software Engineer, Intel
  2. Update the Current Graduate Students section of the People page to include current status:
  1. Update the Current Undergraduate Students section of the People page to include current status:
  1. Add all of the previous lab members, as listed on https://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~sarmaa/students/, to the Alumni section. Order them according to their graduation year (i.e. 2020 graduates at the top and the rest in descending order).
audreyau commented 3 years ago

For the Alumni section, do you want the students in the same order as Anita's website (Graduate Students from most recent to least recent and then Undergraduate Students from most recent to least recent), or do you want them all in order of year graduated (from most recent to least recent)?

nelsonni commented 3 years ago

All of them should be in chronological order based on graduation year. Anita's website has them grouped by graduate and undergraduate students, but that is unnecessary for the EPICLab website. So for example, the first few alumni would be:

Caius Brindescu
PhD, Oregon State University (2020)
Technical Staff, Etleap

Manideepa Saginatham
MS, Oregon State University (2020)

Leif Tsang
BE, Oregon State University (2020)
Recent Graduate Program, Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC)
audreyau commented 3 years ago

I got Ayda's GitHub username, but she doesn't have a profile picture. Should I user her LinkedIn profile picture instead?

audreyau commented 3 years ago

Also, since Turgay does not have a profile picture, should I use his GitHub username as the custom link?

nelsonni commented 3 years ago

No. Per item 3 in #6, we are using the following code to dynamically pull GitHub profile photos for each current student:

<img src="https://github.com/nelsonni.png" class="profileimg">

This allows students to quickly and easily change their own pictures on the EPICLab website (through changing their GitHub profile photo). If a student doesn't set a profile photo, we respect the desire for privacy and opt for the EPICLab logo instead via the alternative code:

<img src="https://github.com/EPICLab.png" class="profileimg">
audreyau commented 3 years ago

Should I also remove Jett Seale from Current Undergraduate Students since he is under "Alumni"?

nelsonni commented 3 years ago

Jett is still a current undergraduate student working with us. I just checked both the current https://epiclab.github.io/people.html and https://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~sarmaa/students/ sites, and neither shows him as alumni. Is there a third location in which you're seeing him listed as alumni?

audreyau commented 3 years ago

Yes, on Anita's website, which is probably my bad. I'll update hers afterwards too haha! Also, I messaged Turgay, and he wants to use his LinkedIn profile picture. Also, since I'm collecting all of these GitHub usernames, what should I do with them?

nelsonni commented 3 years ago

Okay, then in order to use Turgay's LinkedIn profile picture, use the following code (instead of the code referenced above):

<img src="https://www.linkedin.com/in/turgay-caglar-6a2780a0/detail/photo/" class="profileimg">

For anyone that isn't a member of the EPICLab GitHub organization, I will need their GitHub username in order to invite them to join. So please send them to me.

audreyau commented 3 years ago

Screen Shot 2020-07-29 at 3 58 10 PM Screen Shot 2020-07-29 at 3 59 19 PM Is there a way we can change the code for those who opt for an EpicLab profile picture? It seems that it adjusts the dimension of this picture according to how long the text is (since Catherine has a long title, it stretched out the photo a lot). This also causes slight problems because the photos aren't aligned properly (the red lines in this screenshot shows this). Screen Shot 2020-07-29 at 4 00 48 PM

also, Ayda's GitHub username is @aydamannan

nelsonni commented 3 years ago

I'm not 100% certain about the cause, but there are a few things going on that might need to be investigated. The person profiles are setup to use CSS Flexbox so that they flow onto new rows when the available window width is resized (i.e. if only 4 profile images will fit on a row, all other profile images move to the second row, and the remaining profile images then try to fit onto the second row until full, and so on). Most of this is setup and controlled through CSS, which would be in the full-width-pics.css file.

As for profile images maintaining their aspect ratios, there was a previous issue #8 that described a similar problem. The fix for that was to set the following .profileimg CSS class:


This was a partial adaptation from the discussions in this StackOverflow post: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12991351/css-force-image-resize-and-keep-aspect-ratio.

My initial thoughts are that we either need to:

  1. Update the max-width to be a specific px value instead of 100%, or
  2. Set .name-box to have text wrap when it reaches the boundaries of it's parent div element (via the overflow-wrap property).
audreyau commented 3 years ago

That worked perfectly! I changed max-width to 262px and margin-right to 50px (really any number worked here as long as it was 30px or more), and everything aligned properly! I've finished all the issues, but I will make the pull request tomorrow since I'm still waiting for Catherine to give me her GitHub username.