EPICS-synApps / support

APS BCDA synApps module: support
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assemble_synApps.csh: iocStats module has lcls config #4

Closed prjemian closed 6 years ago

prjemian commented 7 years ago

On using the assemble_synApps.csh script, the iocStats module contains a RELEASE_SITE file which requires editing for the synApps build to complete. A successful revision was:

---: EPICS_SITE_TOP=/usr/local/lcls/epics
---: BASE_SITE_TOP=/usr/local/lcls/epics/base
---: MODULES_SITE_TOP=/usr/local/lcls/epics/modules/R3-14-12
---: IOC_SITE_TOP=/usr/local/lcls/epics/iocTop
---: EPICS_BASE_VER=base-R3-14-12

+++: BASE_SITE_TOP=/opt/epics
+++: EPICS_SITE_TOP=/opt/epics
+++: EPICS_BASE_VER=/opt/epics/base-3.15.5

where /opt/epics is the local install location. The point is to remove several definitions and redirect the remaining one away from the lcls-specific directories.

prjemian commented 7 years ago

Also want to set MAKE_TEST_IOC_APP=NO in configure/RELEASE

timmmooney commented 7 years ago

Thanks for this. An alternative is to modify configure/RELEASE, and comment out the LCLS specific stuff. As you note, configure/RELEASE must be modified in any case, so maybe it's better to modify only that file.

keenanlang commented 6 years ago

Fixed in 77c9024

assemble_synApps.sh now sets all necessary MACROS to build iocStats out of the box.