EQAR colleagues noted a case where a PDF file was rejected when uploaded:
colin@CT-MBA:~/Downloads$ file 04_IEP_*
04_IEP_ERR.pdf: PDF document, version 1.5
04_IEP_external_review_report.pdf: PDF document, version 1.7 (zip deflate encoded)
First one works, second doesn't. This seems to be an issue with the PyPDF library, maybe it doesn't handle PDF version 1.7 well? It's used to validate in:
EQAR colleagues noted a case where a PDF file was rejected when uploaded:
First one works, second doesn't. This seems to be an issue with the PyPDF library, maybe it doesn't handle PDF version 1.7 well? It's used to validate in:
The version we use seems to be ~2 years old, and also they changed the PyPi repo & package name from https://pypi.org/project/PyPDF2/ to https://pypi.org/project/pypdf/ in the meantime.