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Sebilis #3

Open nazwadi opened 1 year ago

nazwadi commented 1 year ago
nazwadi commented 1 year ago

NPC Discrepancies

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Loot Discrepancies

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago
turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

% are switched on Hierophant Prime Grekal. Should be: Hiero cloak - 32% Sword of Skyfire - 50% Sword of the Morning - 8%

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

Small Froglok Bone Vial is out of era from Seb.

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

Juggs drop all 56-59 spells at a overall drop rate of 1 spell every 15 kills.

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

Scroll of the Dark off the skeletal baron is out of era.

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

Bag of Scarlet Sand is out of era from the skeletal crusader.

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

Shieldstorm and Slime Coated Harpoon should be .5% drop rate from jin shaman and jin wizard.

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

Casters in seb start gating at under 15% health.

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Nodding Blue Lily dropping on mobs in Sebilis is out of era - https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=17533

Disabled these en masse with the query below; they appeared 37 times. Appears to be Legacy of Ykesha Era (min_expansion 5)

UPDATE lootdrop_entries
SET disabled_chance = chance, chance = 0
WHERE item_id = 24094;
nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Bag of Scarlet Sand is out of era from the skeletal crusader.

Set an min_expansion = 5 on that lootdrop table (lootdrop id 3774).

UPDATE lootdrop 
SET min_expansion = 5
WHERE lootdrop.id = 1563 -- Sebilite_Guardian
OR lootdrop.id = 2197 -- sebilite_golem, spectral_revenant
OR lootdrop.id = 3758 -- spectral_commander
OR lootdrop.id = 3774 -- spectral_crusader
OR lootdrop.id = 3781 -- spectral_harbinger
nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Froglok armorer drops the Sebilite Scale Bracer instead of the Wild Lord's bracer. Wild Lord bracer is out of era.

Created a second lootdrop table that replaces wild lord bracer with sebilite scale bracelet. min_expansion on wild lord bracer at 3 (Luclin) and max_expansion on bracelet at 2 (Velious). May need to relook this later since on retrospect I don't think that sebilite scale bracelet stops dropping.

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Froglok ilis acoltye is out of era.

Setting min_expansion on its spawngroup (sebilis_75, id: 11627) entry to 6 (LDoN); earliest Allas comment was Jan 06 2004 (1 month before Gates of Discord release).

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Scroll of the Dark off the skeletal baron is out of era.

Based on Alla's earliest comments, set a min_expansion flag on Lootdrop table (id: 3761) to 3 (Luclin). https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=12211#m102216651555804

Also did this for skeletal_duke (lootdrop id: 3764), skeletal_harbinger (lootdrop id: 3761), and skeletal_hierophant (lootdrop id: 4330)

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Small Froglok Bone Vial is out of era from Seb.

Based on earliest Alla's comment, it appears to have been added in Shadows of Luclin to the krup_ghoul_knight's loot table. It only appears in lootdrop table id: 4420. I've set the min_expansion on this table to 3 (Luclin) accordingly.

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Shieldstorm and Slime Coated Harpoon should be .5% drop rate from jin shaman and jin wizard.

These were previously set at 7.5% on our FV db. The newer PEQ db I had at home had them set to 0.5%. I've set them to 0.5%.

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

% are switched on Hierophant Prime Grekal. Should be: Hiero cloak - 32% Sword of Skyfire - 50% Sword of the Morning - 8%

I think you may be right on this, but do you have any sources besides https://wiki.project1999.com/Hierophant_Prime_Grekal that I can use?

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Blade of the Black Dragon Eye drops until release of the November 2000 patch.

Okay so will need to content flag its drop occurrence from froglok_reet_knight (89003) so that it stops dropping 1 month into Kunark. And then will need to add a content flagged lootdrop table to whichever mob(s) it drops from in VP after the November 2000 patch. Marking this as a TODO pending more information.

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

From Alla - PH is the Skeletal Hierophant, drops nothing important. You know what he has before you kill him, based on the existence of a sword and what it looks like. No sword = Hierophants Cloak, best dang cloak in game, imo. Dont even try to prove me wrong. =)

The sword was common back in the day and not that good so it was basically worthless. The cloak wasn't the common drop.

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

Spawn percentages on the Sebilis named appear to be pumped up later live revisions percentages (50% is crazy high). More accurate would be between 15% and 20% for each. If a named is already set to 20% or less then leave that value. If it is over 20% then set it to 15%.

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

Okay so will need to content flag its drop occurrence from froglok_reet_knight (89003) so that it stops dropping 1 month into Kunark. And then will need to add a content flagged lootdrop table to whichever mob(s) it drops from in VP after the November 2000 patch. Marking this as a TODO pending more information.

From what I saw the blade drops until the November 2000 patch not the April 2000 patch. Once Nov 2000 comes around it is removed from game and a similar but upgraded weapon drops in VP.

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

Mobs in Sebilis should not see rogue sneak/hide. Currently it appears all mobs do.

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

All respawntimes that were previously set to 10min 40 sec in Sebilis are now 27 minutes (1620 seconds):

UPDATE spawn2 
SET respawntime = 1620
WHERE respawntime = 640 AND zone = 'sebilis';
nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Undead froglok spine is out of era and should be set at 0% in the db

https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=50878 Estimating this to 2017 based on the Task it is associated with (Kuughrak's Task)...and tasks were definitely not classic. 2017 was Ring of Scale. I set Lootdrop id: 4885 (associated with dar_ghoul_knight (89080) to a min_expansion=24.

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago
turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

Wild Lord's Bracer should be flagged to drop in Luclin era off froglok armorer.

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

Drop rate for cobalt bracer should be changed to: myconid priest - .36% myconid reaver - .26% myconid warrior - .17% myconid adept-.14% https://eq.magelo.com/item/4518

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

Trakanon's loot should be updated to remove Siblisian Berserker Cloak and Wild Lord's Tunic. https://wiki.project1999.com/Trakanon

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

Spawn rates should be: Arch Duke Iatol - 12% Baron Yosig - 12% Blood of chottal - 20% Crypt Caretaker - 20% Emporer Chottal - 20% Froglok Commander - 20% Froglok Ostiary - 20% Froglok Pickler - 20% Gruplinort - 20% Harbinger Freglor - 12% Hierophant Prime Grekal - 12% Myconid Spore King - 10%

https://wiki.project1999.com/Arch_Duke_Iatol https://wiki.project1999.com/Baron_Yosig https://wiki.project1999.com/Myconid_spore_king Named are rare spawns. Expert judgement and classic play lead to named should be no more than 20% spawn rate.

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

Gruplinort should drop Sarnak Warhammer ultra rare 1%. https://wiki.project1999.com/Gruplinort https://eq.magelo.com/npc/414294#

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Wild Lord's Bracer should be flagged to drop in Luclin era off froglok armorer.

This was resolved from your previous comment already. There are two tables on that mob, and the one where you see it has an expansion flag set for 3 (Luclin).

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Wild Lord's Crown should be flagged to drop in Luclin era off Froggy.

Resolved this by adding a new lootdrop table to Froggy's loot table. The pre-existing lootdrop table that includes the Wild Lord's Crown has had a min_expansion flag of 3 (Luclin) added to it (I've renamed it to "895_Froggy_Wear_Luclin"). The new lootdrop table is a duplicate of the original but without the Wild Lord's Crown and has a max_expansion flag of 2 (Velious) added to it. They should be mutually exclusive as the server progresses.

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Harbinger Freglor should also drop the Box of Nil Space as common. Drop % for box should be 54%. https://wiki.project1999.com/Harbinger_Freglor

That item does drop from that mob at 50%. You just want it adjusted by 4%?

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

Harbinger Freglor should also drop the Box of Nil Space as common. Drop % for box should be 54%. https://wiki.project1999.com/Harbinger_Freglor

That item does drop from that mob at 50%. You just want it adjusted by 4%?

Disregard. I was blind.

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Trakanon's loot should be updated to remove Siblisian Berserker Cloak and Wild Lord's Tunic. https://wiki.project1999.com/Trakanon

Fixed. I created a pre-luclin and post-luclin lootdrop table. The pre-luclin table at the top has max_expansion=2 (Velious) and has those two items disabled. The post-luclin table has min_expansion=3 and includes those items enabled.

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Gruplinort should drop Sarnak Warhammer ultra rare 1%. https://wiki.project1999.com/Gruplinort https://eq.magelo.com/npc/414294#

Fixed as discussed in chat. 10% warhammer, 20% elder spiritist's bracer, 70% froglok bonecaster's robe (these figures match p2002 db)

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Spawn rates should be: Arch Duke Iatol - 12% Baron Yosig - 12% Blood of chottal - 20% Crypt Caretaker - 20% Emporer Chottal - 20% Froglok Commander - 20% Froglok Ostiary - 20% Froglok Pickler - 20% Gruplinort - 20% Harbinger Freglor - 12% Hierophant Prime Grekal - 12% Myconid Spore King - 10%

https://wiki.project1999.com/Arch_Duke_Iatol https://wiki.project1999.com/Baron_Yosig https://wiki.project1999.com/Myconid_spore_king Named are rare spawns. Expert judgement and classic play lead to named should be no more than 20% spawn rate.

I've updated the spawns to reflect these numbers. Your numbers generally matched p2002's rates. Although sometimes they show 20% when you showed 10 or 12%.

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

% are switched on Hierophant Prime Grekal. Should be: Hiero cloak - 32% Sword of Skyfire - 50% Sword of the Morning - 8%

Fixed. Also looked at p2002 figures which were more 30/35/35

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Spawn percentages on the Sebilis named appear to be pumped up later live revisions percentages (50% is crazy high). More accurate would be between 15% and 20% for each. If a named is already set to 20% or less then leave that value. If it is over 20% then set it to 15%.

This should be resolved with the changes made for https://github.com/EQArchives/eqemu-server-tuning/issues/3#issuecomment-1382641567

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

The mobs at the locked door at the crypt entrance need added.

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

The emp door does not require picking and should.

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

The emp door does not require picking and should.

There was only 1 door that was set to 100 lockpick at -913.755, 141.888 , -53.9668 (probably Crypt entrance).

I set the door at -913.755, 141.888 , -53.9668, and door at -1665.23, 217.961, -125.936 now both set to 200 lockpick.

turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago
turbosilk99 commented 1 year ago

The emp door does not require picking and should.

There was only 1 door that was set to 100 lockpick at -913.755, 141.888 , -53.9668 (probably Crypt entrance).

I set the door at -913.755, 141.888 , -53.9668, and door at -1665.23, 217.961, -125.936 now both set to 200 lockpick.

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

The emp door does not require picking and should.

There was only 1 door that was set to 100 lockpick at -913.755, 141.888 , -53.9668 (probably Crypt entrance). I set the door at -913.755, 141.888 , -53.9668, and door at -1665.23, 217.961, -125.936 now both set to 200 lockpick.

* [x]  Apparently the doors were 201.  A 50 rogue needed mechanical lockpicks to open or level 51 skilled up to 201. https://thesafehouse.org/forums/forum/everquest-wing/main-lounge/27621-sebilis-locked-door

Updated to 201.

nazwadi commented 1 year ago
  • [ ] Emperor Chottal should spawn the 59 necro pet. There should be 6 stationary guards in his room with 1 pather that paths between him and the Blood of Chottal room - https://everquest.allakhazam.com/scenery/sebilis-emperor.jpg

    • [ ] Slows in Sebilis are using Luclin partially successful config

    • [ ] Mushrooms are not roaming around in the basement

    • [ ] Too few mobs in the basement

    • [ ] Mob damage is too low on players

    • [ ] Fungi King should not have a separate spell drop list

I'm going to need a bit more specificity on expected behavior, quantities of mobs you expected to see versus quantities you see as well as their locations, etcetera on these reports.

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Emperor Chottal should spawn the 59 necro pet. There should be 6 stationary guards in his room with 1 pather that paths between him and the Blood of Chottal room - https://everquest.allakhazam.com/scenery/sebilis-emperor.jpg

@turbosilk99 I've changed his spellset from "Default Necromancer List" to "Default Pet Necromancer List". Let's see if he summons a pet now.

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Trakanon max hit dmg should be 650 - https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/npc.html?id=4503&p=12#comments, https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/npc.html?id=4503&p=14#comments, https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/npc.html?id=4503&p=11#comments

@turbosilk99 updated to 650.

nazwadi commented 1 year ago

Updating mob resists so that pacify has a chance to be resisted and crit resist.

I've updated any MR values less than 23 in Sebilis to 100 to test out using the following query: @turbosilk99

UPDATE npc_types nt
SET nt.MR=100
WHERE nt.MR < 23 
AND nt.id IN (SELECT DISTINCT s2.npcID FROM spawn2 sp
INNER JOIN spawngroup s ON sp.spawngroupID = s.id 
INNER JOIN spawnentry s2 ON s2.spawngroupID = s.id
INNER JOIN npc_types n ON n.id = s2.npcID 
WHERE sp.zone = 'sebilis')