EQEmu / Server

Open Source Fan-Based EverQuest Emulator Server project
GNU General Public License v3.0
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PVP Todo #722

Open xackery opened 6 years ago

xackery commented 6 years ago


Scoring System

The new scoring system will award points to any player who kills another player. If the player is grouped the points will be split between the players in the group. The points awarded will be based on three things:

  1. Level of the killer
  2. Scoring Modifier a. Level Difference b. Infamy Difference c. Vitality score
  3. Time since the victim was last killed by the same player.
  4. Level of the killer Each kill has a base point cost determined by the level of the killer. All subsequent modifiers apply to this base number.
  5. Scoring modifier The scoring modifier is based on three things. Each of these factors results in a score that is then applied in whole to the point value of the kill.

a. Level Difference For each level the killer is above or below the victim, the scoring modifier increase by one point. If you kill some one who is higher level than you, you�ll gain more points then you will for a lower level character. You will also subtract points from your modifier for killing a player lower level than you.

Higher level characters are more powerful, and should be worth more points. A victim must be at least level 20 to awards points.

b. Infamy Difference Each time you kill another player, points are added to your infamy pool. At certain thresholds a player will gain an infamy level. When a player is killed, the infamy levels are compared and the killer gains a scoring modifier point for each infamy level his victim is above him. He can also lose scoring modifier points for killing someone who is of lower infamy. Infamy will gradually deteriorate while the player is online.

Players who regularly PvP are generally of higher skill level then those that do not. This encourages players to kill other players who are of more equivalent skill.

c. Vitality When a player is killed their vitality is set to �10. For each 5 minutes they are alive, they will gain back two points of vitality. This vitality total is added directly to the scoring modifier.

A player who dies very frequently is worth less points then one who stays alive longer.

d. Group bonus Groups of 4 or more will receive a bonus % of points for each kill. 4/10%, 5/15%, 6/20%. Example: Frizznik kills Rytan. Frizznik is level 60, while Rytan is level 62 for a level difference of 2. Frizznik has an infamy level of 5, while Rytan has an infamy level of 2, which results in infamy difference of �3. Rytan has not recently been killed, so his vitality is 0. Level Difference + Infamy Difference + Vitality = Scoring Point Modifier or 2

Leader Board

The leader board tracks the players with the most total PvP. A number of other useful statistics will be available in the leader board.

Point Rewards

Players will be able to redeem their points for equipment via a Lost Dungeons of Norrath style adventure merchant interface. These rewards will span from level 20 on up to 65 and include some pieces that are of elemental quality and possibly beyond.

A player�s point total is capped based on their level. They cannot gain more points once they hit that cap, although they can gain more infamy. There will be a number of consumable PvP items that will be focused on PvP combat, and will only function against other players.

Akkadius commented 1 year ago

@tectronics seems to be a excited about PVP :)