AErial Routing and Operational LOGistics Integration Code
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Implement Manual Preflight Confirmation State #3

Closed cfrankovich closed 8 months ago

cfrankovich commented 8 months ago



Implement a preflight check state in the drone's state machine using SMACC2, requiring manual confirmation before takeoff.


To ensure that all necessary preflight conditions are met and that the drone only takes off after receiving manual approval, enhancing safety and control.

User Story

As a drone operator, I want to have a manual 'OK' confirmation for takeoff, so that I can ensure all preflight checks are completed and the drone is ready for a safe launch.

Related Documents/Links

Acceptance Criteria

  1. A new preflight check state is added to the SMACC2 state machine.
  2. The drone remains in the preflight state until a manual 'OK' is received.
  3. Basic preflight checks (to be detailed later) are incorporated into this state.

Technical Notes