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Implement Camera View Functionality in Drone Model for Simulation #4

Closed cfrankovich closed 4 months ago

cfrankovich commented 8 months ago



Integrate dual-camera functionality into the aircraft model for obstacle detection and package delivery target identification.


To equip the drone with two cameras: one for detecting and avoiding obstacles during flight, and the other for identifying ground targets for precise package delivery.

User Story

As a developer, I want to integrate camera systems into the drone model, so that it can autonomously detect obstacles and identify specific ground targets for package delivery.

Related Documents/Links

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Two cameras are successfully integrated into the drone model in Gazebo.
  2. The first camera is mounted in a way with the purpose of obstacle detection and avoidance.
  3. The second camera is mounted in a way with the purpose of "scanning" the ground for package delivery targets.

Technical Notes