ERNI-CoP-IoT / dust-measurement-network

Dust Measurement Network - air pollution data measurement
MIT License
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TechREQ - Detector Data Stream Binary Format #20

Open dniklaus opened 3 years ago

dniklaus commented 3 years ago

Issue by dniklaus Wed Aug 15 16:42:58 2018 Originally opened as


Description In order to send sensor data over TTN, a binary format has to be defined for the serialization.

The binary serialized data shall be handled by protobuf environment. The following protobuf format description shall apply:

syntax = "proto2";

message dustSensorMeasurement {
    required float particularMatter2_5um  = 1;
    required float particularMatter10um   = 2;
    required float temperature            = 3;
    required float humidity               = 4;

