While submitting invoice, zatca clearance is happening and xml is generated as well. But there is issue with qr code:
Error in qrcode from xml: The data will not fit inside a version-15 code with the given encoding and error level (the code must be at least a version16)
Due to size, we are having trouble generating qr code. if we increase version here, it is working fine:
While submitting invoice, zatca clearance is happening and xml is generated as well. But there is issue with qr code: Error in qrcode from xml: The data will not fit inside a version-15 code with the given encoding and error level (the code must be at least a version16)
Due to size, we are having trouble generating qr code. if we increase version here, it is working fine:
`def attach_QR_Image(qrCodeB64,sales_invoice_doc): try: qr = pyqrcode.create(qrCodeB64, error='L', version=15, mode='binary') temp_file_path = "qr_code.png" qr_image=qr.png(temp_file_path, scale=15) file = frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": "File", "file_name": f"QRimage{sales_invoice_doc.name}.png", "attached_to_doctype": sales_invoice_doc.doctype, "attached_to_name": sales_invoice_doc.name, "content": open(temp_file_path, "rb").read()
Can you update it in core, so that it can be helpful