ES-DOC / esdoc-cim-v2-schema

Canonical CIM schema v2 definition
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Model Configuration Requirements (as a specific example of a possibly generic problem) #30

Open bnlawrence opened 5 years ago

bnlawrence commented 5 years ago

HighRESMIP has numerical requirements which are about model configuration. These can be handled as generic numerical requirements, but it is helpful when defining the experiment, and when consuming the experiment definition documents (via a portal or otherwise), to have these grouped requirements presented together with a title.

Currently this is handled within pyesdoc via a coded solution, which is fine for pyesdoc, but results in documents which cannot be immediately understood by document consumers without reference to the code. In particular, pyesdoc allows the grouping of requirements by adding a type-note suffix to the class, resulting in instances of cim.2.designing.numericalRequirement:model_configuration, which are then grouped by the HTML display tooling.

The issue is discussed in the esdoc slack.

This concept - "grouping with titles" - within lists might find application elsewhere, so a generic solution would be desirable.

bnlawrence commented 5 years ago

(Obviously for this particular issue, the right answer might be a new subclass of numerical_requirement, so it would be interesting to know how widespread the type-note suffix usage is in the existing portal.)