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Specialisation bug/typos/issues for v1.1 #57

Open eguil opened 5 years ago

eguil commented 5 years ago
eguil commented 5 years ago

change in specialisation, increase minor minor version number

eguil commented 5 years ago

Ensure spreadsheet generation uses a predefined version number and not the latest.

davidhassell commented 5 years ago

Suggestions from MOHC that need considering:

Top Level

  1. No questions on CO2 conservation in emission-driven experiments? Not relevant for HadGEM3, but for an ESM that's more important than any of the questions in the current specification. ES-DOC should definitely consider adding a question on that.

  2. Radiative Forcings > Overview. For the question "Overview of radiative forcings of the model for historical and scenario (aka table 12.1 ipcc ar5)...", is the answer required in a format mirroring the IPCC Table 12.1? e.g. CO2:Y, CH4:E, N2O:ES, and so on? If so that would seem to just duplicate the questions below.

  3. There is a duplicate question that needs to be removed Key Properties > Coupling > Overview.

  4. There are 21 examples of enum lists with the labels matching the value (with long descriptions that could not be used in a drop down list) - we assume that the labels were placeholder values to be replaced in the official release with more meaningful options. For example

    e.g under radiative_forcings.greenhouse_gases.CO2.provision - enum / 1.N : [Options: N/A | M | Y | E | ES | C |] e.g. under stratospheric volcanic forcing - enum / 1.1 : [Options: Type A | Type B | Type C | Type D | Type E |] e.g. under Greenhouse Gases - enum / 1.1 : [Options: N/A | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 |]

Apologies about the mis-reference to "ocean" realm. It property is in the Top-Level 'realm' - "Radiative Forcings/Aerosols/Stratospheric volcanic forcing". We have marked the property as "answer withheld" in our submission until we can get further information on how to respond to this.


The following changes were made in CREM to enable a complete metadata response to be added: process = Optical Radiative Properties ; subprocess = Absorption

property = Black Carbon [type changed from float to str]
property = Dust [type changed from float to str]
property = Organics [type changed from float to str]

There is a repetition of RESOLUTION under Key Properties as a sub-topic and under Grid.

Atmospheric Physics

The following changes were made in CREM to enable a complete metadata response to be added: process = Gravity Waves ; subprocess = Non Orographic Gravity Waves

property = Dissipation Scheme [enum change from 1.1 to 1.N]

process = Gravity Waves; subprocess = Orographic Gravity Waves

property = Dissipation Scheme [enum change from 1.1 to 1.N]

There are duplicated questions for:

The following values have been added to our enum lists - may be useful for wider use:

Cloud Scheme > Optical Cloud Properties > Cloud Cover Overlap Method -- exponential random
Dynamical Core > Prognostic Variables -- dry density
Dynamical Core > Advection > Scheme Name -- semi-Lagrangian
Dynamical Core > Advection > Scheme Characteristics -- 3rd order
Gravity Waves > Orographic Gravity Waves > Calculation Method -- linear theory of hydrostatic gravity waves 

The value 'None' added to the enum lists - may be useful for wider use:

Dynamical Core > Advection > Conserved Quantities
Dynamical Core > Advection > Conservation Method
Dynamical Core > Advection Tracers > Scheme Name
Gravity Waves > Sponge Layer
Radiation > Longwave Cloud Ice > Optical Methods
Radiation > Longwave GHG > ODS
Radiation > Longwave GHG > Other Fluorinated Gases
Radiation > Shortwave Cloud Ice > Optical Methods
Radiation > Shortwave GHG > ODS
Radiation > Shortwave GHG > Other Fluorinated Gases
Natural Forcing > Volcanoes Treatment > Boundary Layer Turbulence > Scheme Name

Land Ice

The following changes were made in CREM to enable a complete metadata response to be added: process = Grid

property = Base Resolution [type changed from float to str]
property = Resolution Limit [type changed from float to str]

The following values have been added to enum lists ad may be useful for wider use:

Key Properties > Prognostic Variables -- ice thickness (annual 2d field) | surface elevation / orography) | lower surface elevation) | ice flux divergence) | surface mass balance) | basal melt rate) | calving flux) | melange ice thickness) | rate of change of ice thickness) | volume of all ice (spatial mean at each time step)) | volume of grounded ice) | volume above flotation) | area of grounded ice) | area of floating ice) | basal flux) | surface flux) | divergence of ice flux) |
Ice > Grounding Line Method -- grounding line determined using the flotation criterion
Ice > Dynamics > Approximation -- SSA 

Ocean Biogeochemistry

There are a lot of spelling mistakes in this specialisation, including headings and enum lists.

  1. Why no questions on Diagnostic Particles and only Prognostic?.

  2. Tracers > Nutrients Present Is Silicium the correct word or should it be Silicon? If Silicium is correct Silicon needs to be added to the enum list

Sea Ice

The following values have been added to our enum lists - may be useful for wider use:

Key Properties > Seawater Properties > Ocean Freezing Point -- UNESCO formulation
Key Properties > Variables > Prognostic -- Sea ice area, Snow volume per grid cell area, Snow enthalpy, Melt pond area, Melt pond depth, Thickness of refrozen ice on melt ponds
Grid > Discretisation > Scheme -- Incremental remapping
Thermodynamics > Mass > Ice Lateral Melting -- Steele 1992 

Ocean (NEMO)

We were unclear how to respond to the following property Vertical Physics > Interior Mixing > Shear Mixing - Is there interior shear mixing? Does this mean "is interior shear mixing explicitly parameterised"? Does it have a particular meaning? The turbulent closure implicitly includes shear mixing as a TKE source term. Does this qualify? It is important to note that there is no distinction between the surface boundary and internal ocean in terms of vertical mixing in NEMO.