ESA-VirES / VirES-Python-Client

viresclient is a Python package for easy access to Swarm & Aeolus products as xarray.Dataset
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Data filtering #92

Open LiJiang1228 opened 1 year ago

LiJiang1228 commented 1 year ago

We can use code to select swarm data which meets criteria (|Dst|<10nT, Kp<2) request.set_range_filter("Dst",minimum=-10,maximum=10) request.set_range_filter("Kp",maximum=2) But, how we can select swarm data which meets (d|Dst|/dt<3nT/hour, d|Kp|/dt<2/3hour) And, how to select swarm data which meets the local time between 21:00-3:00.

pacesm commented 1 year ago

It is possible to filter by|dDst/dt|(absolute value of the rate of change of the Dst index):

request.set_range_filter("dDst",maximum=3) # nT / hour

Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to filter by the rate of change of the Kp index nor by the local time. If you think this would be useful features we might considered to implement them.

LiJiang1228 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your answer!