Community Atmosphere Model - System for Integrated Modeling of the Atmosphere
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Add Github issue templates #203

Closed nusbaume closed 1 year ago

nusbaume commented 1 year ago

These should basically be the same as the current ESCOMP/CAM templates, except that I tried to either remove any reference to "CAM", or replaced it with "CAMDEN".

I also replaced the "tag" request in the bug report with a hash request, as CAMDEN currently doesn't have any tags. I imagine the first tag will be made once we have history output and have made the repo public, and once the first tag is made then we can switch this back (I can make a general discussion issue so that we can list everything we need to do before the repo goes public).

Fixes #201

nusbaume commented 1 year ago

Also if you want to see what these templates actually look like (instead of just staring at YAML code) then you should be able to go here:

and then just click on each file to have it show up "rendered".