Resets find_input_name_idx to no_exist_idx after it is modified by const_get_index. Fixes the bug resulted in variables getting a huge <0 index value instead of -1, which caused an error in physics_read_data.
closes #237
Describe any changes made to build system: N/A
Describe any changes made to the namelist: N/A
List any changes to the defaults for the boundary datasets: N/A
Describe any substantial timing or memory changes: N/A
Code reviewed by: nusbaume, mwaxmonsky
List all existing files that have been modified, old files eliminated, new files added and describe the changes:
M src/physics/utils/physics_data.F90
Reset find_input_name_idx to no_exist_idx after call to const_get_index
M cime_config/config_component.xml
No longer include chemistry linked libs by default
If there were any failures reported from running on any test
platform, and check that these failures have been OK'd by the gatekeeper,
then copy the lines from the td.*.status files for the failed tests to the
appropriate machine below. All failed tests must be justified.
All tests pass.
Summarize any changes to answers, i.e.,
what code configurations: N/A
what platforms/compilers: N/A
nature of change (roundoff; larger than roundoff but same climate; new climate): N/A
Resets find_input_name_idx to no_exist_idx after it is modified by const_get_index. Fixes the bug resulted in variables getting a huge <0 index value instead of -1, which caused an error in physics_read_data.
closes #237
Describe any changes made to build system: N/A
Describe any changes made to the namelist: N/A
List any changes to the defaults for the boundary datasets: N/A
Describe any substantial timing or memory changes: N/A
Code reviewed by: nusbaume, mwaxmonsky
List all existing files that have been modified, old files eliminated, new files added and describe the changes:
M src/physics/utils/physics_data.F90
M cime_config/config_component.xml
If there were any failures reported from running on any test platform, and check that these failures have been OK'd by the gatekeeper, then copy the lines from the td.*.status files for the failed tests to the appropriate machine below. All failed tests must be justified.
derecho/intel/aux_cam derecho/gnu/aux_cam
All tests pass.
Summarize any changes to answers, i.e.,
what code configurations: N/A what platforms/compilers: N/A nature of change (roundoff; larger than roundoff but same climate; new climate): N/A