Community Atmosphere Model - System for Integrated Modeling of the Atmosphere
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Fix isssue-closing script to work without project pages and default merge messages. #289

Closed nusbaume closed 2 months ago

nusbaume commented 2 months ago

Fixes the issue-closing script in CAM-SIMA so that it will now successfully close issues or PRs in the non-default branch when issues are referenced in the PR message with a relevant keyword. This will happen both without any attachment to a particular Github project, and with any PR commit message.

Fixes #279

Describe any changes made to build system: N/A

Describe any changes made to the namelist: N/A

List any changes to the defaults for the boundary datasets: N/A

Describe any substantial timing or memory changes: N/A

Code reviewed by: peverwhee, mwaxmonsky

List all existing files that have been modified, old files eliminated, new files added and describe the changes:

M .github/workflows/branch_push_workflow.yml

M .github/scripts/

derecho/intel/aux_cam: All pass. derecho/gnu/aux_cam: All pass.

Summarize any changes to answers, i.e.,

what code configurations: N/A what platforms/compilers: N/A nature of change (roundoff; larger than roundoff but same climate; new climate): N/A