Community Atmosphere Model - System for Integrated Modeling of the Atmosphere
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Bring in constituent tendency updater #292

Open peverwhee opened 3 weeks ago

peverwhee commented 3 weeks ago

DRAFT until we have (1) a new framework tag and (2) a new atmospheric_physics tag.

Tag name (required for main): Originator(s): peverwhee

Summary (include the keyword ['closes', 'fixes', 'resolves'] and issue number): Brings in and enables new apply_constituent_tendencies scheme.

Describe any changes made to build system: Exclude constituent tendencies from required variables (now handled by the CCPP Framework)

Describe any changes made to the namelist: None

List any changes to the defaults for the input datasets (e.g. boundary datasets): None

List all files eliminated and why: None

List all files added and what they do: None

List all existing files that have been modified, and describe the changes: (Helpful git command: git diff --name-status development...<your_branch_name>)

M src/data/

If there are new failures (compare to the existing-test-failures.txt file), have them OK'd by the gatekeeper, note them here, and add them to the file. If there are baseline differences, include the test and the reason for the diff. What is the nature of the change? Roundoff?



CAM-SIMA date used for the baseline comparison tests if different than latest: