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Expand dust_emis_fact namelist default values for different new dust_emis_method options #778

Open ekluzek opened 1 year ago

ekluzek commented 1 year ago

Issue Type

Infrastructure Update

Issue Description

There will be some new options for the dust emissions scheme that will be added to the drv_flds_in namelist for the driver, so it can be used by both CAM and CTSM. The dust_emis_fact namelist default values needs to be expanded to accommodate the new options.

The default options for dust_emis_fact needs to be expanded for the new Leung-2022 method which is coming in. To start with we are going to use the same values currently being used (for the Zender scheme) for Leung-2022. There will also be added in an option for a prescribed dust emission mode that will need to have some values for this tuning factor. We won't be able to tune dust_emis_fact for all the different options, but we will put in place the structure that will allow it. The user can always tune this field themselves and use what they find works well. After values are discovered for experiments we can start to add the tuned values to the set of default values for the known configurations where it's been tuning. We think this will largely be for the new Leung-2022 for the latest CAM model physics.

By, "Yes" I will be implementing this myself, I mean that @fvitt will be doing the work! I can't assign it to him, but someone should.

By the way the answers will only change if the new scheme is turned on. But, we are also moving the soil erodibility from CAM to CTSM and that is expected to change answers for all cases by at least roundoff level.

Will this change answers?


Will you be implementing this yourself?


ekluzek commented 2 months ago

The CMEPS tag this references is cmeps0.14.73.