Skip nan test in med_phases_prep_ocn_mod.F90 on first pass. This is to avoid detecting nan's in the as yet undefined pslv field passed from atm.
Specific notes
Contributors other than yourself, if any:
CMEPS Issues Fixed (include github issue #):
Are changes expected to change answers? (specify if bfb, different at roundoff, more substantial)
Any User Interface Changes (namelist or namelist defaults changes)?
Testing performed
Please describe the tests along with the target model and machine(s)
If possible, please also added hashes that were used in the testing
The test that found this error was SMS_D_Ld2.ne30pg3_t232.BMT1850.derecho_gnu.allactive-defaultio
in cesm3_0_beta02. I first tried to make the change in atm_import_export.F90 in the cam nuopc interface code, but that didn't seem to work.
Description of changes
Skip nan test in med_phases_prep_ocn_mod.F90 on first pass. This is to avoid detecting nan's in the as yet undefined pslv field passed from atm.
Specific notes
Contributors other than yourself, if any:
CMEPS Issues Fixed (include github issue #):
Are changes expected to change answers? (specify if bfb, different at roundoff, more substantial)
Any User Interface Changes (namelist or namelist defaults changes)?
Testing performed
Please describe the tests along with the target model and machine(s) If possible, please also added hashes that were used in the testing The test that found this error was SMS_D_Ld2.ne30pg3_t232.BMT1850.derecho_gnu.allactive-defaultio in cesm3_0_beta02. I first tried to make the change in atm_import_export.F90 in the cam nuopc interface code, but that didn't seem to work.