fix bug in med_diag_mod for handling ice runoff to and from dglc and also added capability to
send sea-ice thickness from CICE to WW3. This will only happen if both CICE and WW3 advertise these fields.
Specific notes
the following change was made in med_diag_mod.F90
if ( fldbun_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBImp(comprof,comprof), 'Forr_rofl_glc', rc=rc)) then
call diag_rof(is_local%wrap%FBImp(comprof,comprof), 'Forr_rofi_glc' , f_watr_roff, ic, areas, budget_local, minus=.true., rc=rc)
if ( fldbun_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBImp(comprof,comprof), 'Forr_rofl_glc', rc=rc)) then
call diag_rof(is_local%wrap%FBImp(comprof,comprof), 'Forr_rofl_glc' , f_watr_roff, ic, areas, budget_local, minus=.true., rc=rc)
end if
Contributors other than yourself, if any: @billsacks (who found this issue)
CMEPS Issues Fixed: None
Are changes expected to change answers? bfb
Any User Interface Changes (namelist or namelist defaults changes)? No
Testing performed
Ran the following noresm configuration for 7 years
Description of changes
fix bug in med_diag_mod for handling ice runoff to and from dglc and also added capability to send sea-ice thickness from CICE to WW3. This will only happen if both CICE and WW3 advertise these fields.
Specific notes
the following change was made in med_diag_mod.F90
Contributors other than yourself, if any: @billsacks (who found this issue)
CMEPS Issues Fixed: None
Are changes expected to change answers? bfb
Any User Interface Changes (namelist or namelist defaults changes)? No
Testing performed
Ran the following noresm configuration for 7 years
and obtained budgets that looked acceptable.