Community Terrestrial Systems Model (includes the Community Land Model of CESM)
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Example 1.7 typo #103

Open ekluzek opened 6 years ago

ekluzek commented 6 years ago

Tim Hoar < thoar > - 2014-09-19 11:27:16 -0600 Bugzilla Id: 2047 Bugzilla CC: rfisher, sacks,

Example 1.7 in the CLM 1_1 users guide has a typo. (page 66)

The commentary indicates you set hist_type1d_pertape but the example has hist_type2d_pertape (which doesn't exist).

Chapter 1. How to customize the configuration for a case with CLM Sometimes it’s important to understand how different land-units or vegetation types are acting within a grid-cell. The way to do this is to output history files as a 1D-vector of all land-units and vegetation types. In order to display this, you’ll need to do extensive post-processing to make sense of the output. Often you may only be interested in a few points, so once you figure out the 1D indices for the grid-cells of interest, you can easily view that data. 1D vector output can also be useful for single point datasets, since it’s then obvious that all data is for the same grid cell. To do this you use hist_dov2xy which is an array of rank six for each history stream. Set it to .false. if you want one of the history streams to be a 1D vector. You can also use hist_type1d_pertape if you want to average over all the: Plant-Function-Types, columns, land-units, or grid-cells. A sample user namelist user_nl_clm leaving the primary monthly files as 2D, and then doing grid-cell (GRID), column (COLS), and no averaging over auxiliary tapes output daily for a single field (ground temperature) is: Example 1-7. Example user_nl_clm namelist outputting some files in 1D Vector format hist_fincl2 = ’TG’ hist_fincl3 = ’TG’ hist_fincl4 = ’TG’ hist_fincl5 = ’TG’ hist_fincl6 = ’TG’ hist_dov2xy = .true., .false., .false., .false. hist_type2d_pertape = ’ ’, ’GRID’, ’COLS’, ’ ’ hist_nhtfrq = 0, -24, -24, -24

ekluzek commented 6 years ago

Bill Sacks < sacks > - 2016-08-22 14:27:18 -0600

Won't fix old user's guide, but want to make sure this is addressed in the new (CLM5) user's guide, if it isn't already.

ekluzek commented 5 years ago

Looks like this still needs to be changes in custom.xml.