Community Terrestrial Systems Model (includes the Community Land Model of CESM)
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Bug in planting window logic (no effect given current parameters?) #1484

Closed samsrabin closed 1 year ago

samsrabin commented 3 years ago

Brief summary of bug

If a planting window overlaps the new year, then a crop will only ever be planted on the last day of the window. This bug has no effect for now as far as I'm aware, because no planting windows actually do overlap the new year.

General bug information

CTSM version you are using: ctsm5.1.dev054

Does this bug cause significantly incorrect results in the model's science? Not given current parameterization.

Configurations affected: Unknown

Details of bug

The "normal" (i.e., not "last-chance") planting condition for crops other than winter cereals requires, among other rules, that (lines 1928–1929):

jday >= minplantjday(ivt(p),h) .and. &
jday <= maxplantjday(ivt(p),h)

What if the planting window spans the new year? In that case, minplantjday > maxplantjday, and therefore this rule will never be satisfied. That would result in planting only ever happening in "last-chance" mode at the end of the planting window, because the only window-related condition there is that jday == maxplantjday(ivt(p),h). (Winter cereals would be similarly affected.)

A safer method would be to use a function that checks whether today's date is within the window defined by minplantjday and maxplantjday, accounting for whether minplantjday > maxplantjday. Does such a function exist?

This has probably never come up before because no planting windows actually do overlap the new year. Here is the unique set of planting windows, in format (M)MDD, from /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/paramdata/ min NH max NH min SH max SH
401 615 1001 1215
901 1130 301 530
501 615 1101 1215
401 531 901 1130
101 228 1015 1231
101 331 801 1031
320 415 920 1015
415 701 1015 1231

Important details of your setup / configuration so we can reproduce the bug

N/A: Bug only evident from code, not (as far as I'm aware) any actual results.

billsacks commented 3 years ago

@samsrabin great catch. I agree with your proposed solution. I am not aware of any current function that does what you suggest. Do you want to take on fixing this? (I don't want to punish you for finding & reporting bugs like this, but if you have the time and interest to fix this, it would be much appreciated. On the other hand, if you don't want to get side tracked with this right now, that's fine, too.)

ekluzek commented 3 years ago

@samsrabin if you do implement this I think you should add a


logical function in clm_time_manager.F90

The implementation would be fairly straight forward you turn the start and end dates into ESMF time instants and then do comparisons. The one catch would be if the start time is after the end time you have to reverse the logic. Unless you also account for the year advancing for that case when you could keep the logic the same.

There is a unit-tester for clm_time_manger which would make it much easier to implement and test this function for all the different types of cases.

billsacks commented 3 years ago

+1 to @ekluzek 's comment, with the minor edit that it should be is_within_time_window to follow our (currently inconsistent, but intended for the future) naming conventions (

samsrabin commented 1 year ago

Resolved with #2158.