Community Terrestrial Systems Model (includes the Community Land Model of CESM)
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Move fire maps from surface dataset to stream files #2617

Open samsrabin opened 4 days ago

samsrabin commented 4 days ago

I will need @lifang0209 to point me to the highest-resolution versions of these files that she has.

ekluzek commented 4 days ago

As a starting point you should probably start with the half degree datasets being used by mksurfdata_esmf. That'll provide a nice transition from what's currently being done, to new higher resolution datasets to be used in the future.

Is this change really needed for the Capability freeze? I suppose it might so we don't have to make new surface datasets if updated datasets are required. This might be something good to discuss, so I'll add the next label to it...

samsrabin commented 1 day ago

It's only needed for the capability freeze because it needs to happen before I bring in new datasets from Fang—as you said, because I don't want to have to make all new surface datasets for this.

wwieder commented 1 day ago

These fields should be removed from the 5.3 datasets too, @lawrencepj1 and @slevis-lmwg.