Community Terrestrial Systems Model (includes the Community Land Model of CESM)
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Bring temporary branch to main-development #2628

Closed ekluzek closed 3 months ago

ekluzek commented 3 months ago

Description of changes

Bring the temporary branch to main-development tmp-240620.

Includes the following tags:

tmp-240620.n03.ctsm5.2.007 samrabin -- upland hillslope column fsat values to zero tmp-240620.n02.ctsm5.2.007 erik ------ Another update of git-fleximod tmp-240620.n01.ctsm5.2.007 slevis ---- Merge b4b-dev

Specific notes

Contributors other than yourself, if any: @samsrabin and @slevis-lmwg made contributions on the tmp-branch tags

CTSM Issues Fixed (include github issue #): None

Are answers expected to change (and if so in what way)? No, identical to branch_tags/tmp-240620.n03.ctsm5.2.007

Any User Interface Changes (namelist or namelist defaults changes)? No

Does this create a need to change or add documentation? Did you do so? No

Testing performed, if any: python testing unit-testing build-namelist testing Baselines are softlinked to the tmp-branch baseline