Community Terrestrial Systems Model (includes the Community Land Model of CESM)
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Make polarcap surface datasets in ctsm5.3.0, remove VR 1850 datasets #2720

Open ekluzek opened 3 weeks ago

ekluzek commented 3 weeks ago

Alongside #2716 we need to add creating 1979,1850,2000,1979-2026 surface datasets for the ne0.POLARCAP resolution. This means adding it to the ne0 and ne120 resolution list in the gen namelist multi script for mksurfdata_esmf.

As part of this we'll remove the 1850 VR datasets as they aren't planned to be needed by CAM as explained by @adamrher

Definition of done:

wwieder commented 3 weeks ago

Is this critical for a 5.3 milestone of does it just need to come in by the CESM3 release?

ekluzek commented 3 weeks ago

Always the right question to ask. In order to have a dataset for @adamrher to use in CTSM5.3 versions we might as well make it. It shouldn't be hard to add, unless we run into problems. So I suggest we do so unless it causes problems in making all the datasets. But, it's likely only needed by the release and not in 5.3.

wwieder commented 2 weeks ago

This isn't required for 5.3.0, but could be added on subsequent 5.3 tag (or else it needs to get into make_all).

Could add PLUMBER2 and NEON surface data too.

slevis-lmwg commented 1 week ago

Confirming info listed here and in the grids speadsheet:

adamrher commented 1 week ago

Yes, that's correct @slevis-lmwg. I noticed however that CONUS only has finidat entries for year 2013. Perhaps we can just replicate the POLARCAP finidat entries for CONUS?

slevis-lmwg commented 1 week ago

@adamrher thank you for the quick confirmation.

Let's confer with @ekluzek on the finidat question.

@ekluzek does the finidat discussion go under #2558 or other similar issue?

slevis-lmwg commented 1 week ago

From meeting with @ekluzek Current Makefile generates 1850 fsurdat files for VR grids. We decided to not mess with the scripts at this time and just not ./rimport the four 1850 fsurdat files. We can leave this issue open as a reminder to correct code later.