Community Terrestrial Systems Model (includes the Community Land Model of CESM)
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New CN matrix fails with single point sites with the new ctsm5.3 datasets. #2780

Open ekluzek opened 1 month ago

ekluzek commented 1 month ago

Since ctsm5.2.dev175 to ctsm5.3.0 we've been running tests with MIMICS with above ground CN matrtix that have been passing. The test is SMS_D.1x1_brazil.I1850Clm60BgcCrop.derecho_gnu.clm-mimics_matrixcn. This has the soil CN matrix off (because MIMICS is non-linear), but above ground CN matrix on (use_soil_matrixcn = .false. use_matrixcn = .true.).

There are two reasons for doing this test:

  1. Hopefully get MIMICS to spinup faster with above ground matrix on
  2. More extensive testing of Matrix for an edge case where it might fail easier

The hope for "1" was especially there as we weren't finding methods to speed up the spinup of MIMICS. The test did pass for 30 tags, and just started failing in ctsm5.3.0 with the following type of error in the log files:


 hist_htapes_wrapup : Closing local history file ./ at nstep =           16

(shr_strdata_readstrm) reading file ub: /glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/inputdata/atm/datm7/NASA_LIS/       7
 ERROR: ERROR in /glade/work/erik/ctsm_worktrees/answer_changes/src/utils/SparseMatrixMultiplyMod.F90 at line 1246

cesm.log: 0:  ERROR: ERROR in /glade/work/erik/ctsm_worktrees/answer_changes/src/utils/SparseMatrixMultiplyMod.F90 at line 1246 0: #0  0x12c3b50 in __shr_abort_mod_MOD_shr_abort_backtrace 0:  at /glade/work/erik/ctsm_worktrees/answer_changes/share/src/shr_abort_mod.F90:104 0: #1  0x12c3c13 in __shr_abort_mod_MOD_shr_abort_abort 0:  at /glade/work/erik/ctsm_worktrees/answer_changes/share/src/shr_abort_mod.F90:61 0: #2  0x131f9c8 in __shr_assert_mod_MOD_shr_assert 0:  at /glade/work/erik/ctsm_worktrees/answer_changes/share/src/ 0: #3  0xe38814 in __sparsematrixmultiplymod_MOD_spmp_abc 0:  at /glade/work/erik/ctsm_worktrees/answer_changes/src/utils/SparseMatrixMultiplyMod.F90:1246 0: #4  0x8e97db in __cnvegmatrixmod_MOD_cnvegmatrix 0:  at /glade/work/erik/ctsm_worktrees/answer_changes/src/biogeochem/CNVegMatrixMod.F90:1509 0: #5  0x10466ef in __cndrivermod_MOD_cndriverleaching 0:  at /glade/work/erik/ctsm_worktrees/answer_changes/src/biogeochem/CNDriverMod.F90:1098 0: #6  0x92a6b2 in __cnvegetationfacade_MOD_ecosystemdynamicspostdrainage 0:  at /glade/work/erik/ctsm_worktrees/answer_changes/src/biogeochem/CNVegetationFacade.F90:1125 0: #7  0x5d7ed6 in __clm_driver_MOD_clm_drv 0:  at /glade/work/erik/ctsm_worktrees/answer_changes/src/main/clm_driver.F90:1119

The line it fails on from above is the SHR_ASSERT_FL in this section of code in SparseMatrixMultiplyMod.F90:

       if(num_actunit_C < 0)then
          write(iulog,*) "error: num_actunit_C cannot be less than 0"
          call endrun( subname//" ERROR: bad value for num_actunit_C" )
       end if
       if(.not. present(filter_actunit_C))then
          write(iulog,*) "error: num_actunit_C is presented but filter_actunit_C is missing"
          call endrun( subname//" ERROR: missing required optional arguments" )
       end if
       SHR_ASSERT_FL((size(filter_actunit_C) > num_actunit_C), sourcefile, __LINE__)
    end if

The call in CNVegMatrixMod.F90 is here:

         if(num_actfirep .eq. 0 .and. nthreads < 2)then
            call AKallvegc%SPMP_AB(num_soilp,filter_soilp,AKphvegc,AKgmvegc,list_ready_phgmc,list_A=list_phc_phgm,list_B=list_gmc_phgm,&
            call AKallvegc%SPMP_ABC(num_soilp,filter_soilp,AKphvegc,AKgmvegc,AKfivegc,list_ready_phgmfic,list_A=list_phc_phgmfi,&
         end if

Definition of done:

ekluzek commented 1 month ago

This is the only test we have for mimics_matrixcn. It's also possible that the tests that passed would fail if run out far enough.

ekluzek commented 1 month ago

Here's the note about this test when it was added.

I'm also doing some longer and different tests in ctsm5.2.028 to see the test just happened to pass since it was too short. As well as making sure the same test works without MIMCS.

ekluzek commented 1 month ago

Longer tests and tests at f10 in ctsm5.2.028 seem to be fine.

SMS_D.1x1_brazil.I1850Clm60BgcCrop.derecho_intel.clm-mimics_matrixcn SMS_D.f10_f10_mg37.I1850Clm60BgcCrop.derecho_intel.clm-mimics_matrixcn SMS_D_Lm1.1x1_brazil.I1850Clm60BgcCrop.derecho_gnu.clm-mimics_matrixcn SMS_Ly2.1x1_brazil.I1850Clm60BgcCrop.derecho_gnu.clm-mimics_matrixcn

So maybe there is something specific about this with ctsm5.3.0 datasets.

We'll mark this as an expected fail for now though.

ekluzek commented 1 month ago

The other test that fails in the same way is:


slevis-lmwg commented 4 weeks ago

...and SMS_Ld10_D_Mmpi-serial.CLM_USRDAT.I1PtClm60Bgc.izumi_nag.clm-default--clm-NEON-HARV--clm-matrixcnOn

slevis-lmwg commented 4 weeks ago

My gut feeling is that these tests need new finidat files, based on past experiences where CNmatrix has crashed with one finidat and not with another (#2592).

E.g. the nearest neighbor from the finidat may not contain the right pft combinations needed for these single-point simulations.

slevis-lmwg commented 4 weeks ago

In one of the failing tests, I changed finidat from to and the test failed in a different timestep.

Next I want to try setting finidat to the interpolated file saved in .../tests_0923-141750de/SMS_Ld10_D_Mmpi-serial.CLM_USRDAT.I1PtClm60Bgc.derecho_gnu.clm-default--clm-NEON-HARV--clm-matrixcnOn.GC.0923-141750de_gnu/run/init_generated_files/ Hmm, but that may do nothing to help. I may need to generate a new finidat for this point starting from a cold start simulation.

ekluzek commented 3 weeks ago

A broader question we wonder here (@slevis-lmwg and I) for the group to assess: (discussed at CTSM SE Oct/10th/2024)

wwieder commented 2 weeks ago

maybe matrix tests always need to start from a cold start? if you're running matrix, then by definition you're doing a spinup.

ekluzek commented 2 weeks ago

I updated the questions above, from the mornings discussion.

slevis-lmwg commented 1 week ago

Troubleshooting suggests that my gut feeling was wrong.

SMS_D.1x1_brazil.I1850Clm60BgcCrop.derecho_gnu.clm-mimics_matrixcn started cold all along and it failed regardless, so I tried the following: I turned off matrixcn and ran the case to generate a restart file. Then I turned on matrixcn and set finidat to this restart file. The simulation failed in the same line as before.

SMS_Ld10_D_Mmpi-serial.CLM_USRDAT.I1PtClm60Bgc.derecho_gnu.clm-default--clm-NEON-HARV--clm-matrixcnOn never started cold. I turned off matrix and generated a restart file. Then I turned on SASU and set finidat to this restart file. The simulation failed in the same line as before.

1x1 matrix tests that pass:

slevis-lmwg commented 1 week ago

Trying a Clm6 version and Clm6 DEBUG version of the first in the above list of already passing tests:

PASS ERS_Ld5_Mmpi-serial.1x1_numaIA.I2000Clm60BgcCrop.derecho_intel.clm-ciso_monthly_matrixcn_spinup
PASS ERS_D_Ld5_Mmpi-serial.1x1_numaIA.I2000Clm60BgcCrop.derecho_intel.clm-ciso_monthly_matrixcn_spinup

and non-DEBUG versions of the failing tests:

PASS SMS_Ld10_Mmpi-serial.CLM_USRDAT.I1PtClm60Bgc.derecho_gnu.clm-default--clm-NEON-HARV--clm-matrixcnOn
PASS SMS.1x1_brazil.I1850Clm60BgcCrop.derecho_gnu.clm-mimics_matrixcn

So DEBUG must be uncovering a problem in these two. I will think about what I want to try next...

slevis-lmwg commented 1 week ago

I added diagnostic write-statements just before the error gets triggered in SparseMatrixMultiplyMod.F90 line 1246: SHR_ASSERT_FL((size(filter_actunit_C) > num_actunit_C), sourcefile, __LINE__) and both failing tests fail when they encounter size(filter_actunit_C) = num_actunit_C This seems like a non-dealbreaker to me, so I changed the ASSERT to ">=" The equality gets the currently failing tests to pass without triggering other problems.

slevis-lmwg commented 1 week ago

@ekluzek I will run this by you before I open a PR with this code change.

My branch is in this directory: /glade/work/slevis/git/LMWG_dev8 and open the PR with git push -u slevis-lmwg fix_1x1_matrix_fails

ekluzek commented 6 days ago

@slevis-lmwg that's correct the inequality should be >= rather than just >. One point there is to just make sure the array size isn't too small. The array must've been larger all the time previously. I'd have to think about why that's the case...

I'm glad you were able to figure that out.