Model for Scale Adaptive River Transport, Mosart, part of the Community Earth System Model
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MCT tests fail in ctsm5.1.dev161 remove them #78

Open ekluzek opened 6 months ago

ekluzek commented 6 months ago

With mosart1_0_48 in ctsm5.1.dev148 the MCT fail at build because of a CTSM issue.


The build error is:

   Calling /glade/derecho/scratch/erik/ctsm5.1.dev161/share/buildlib.csm_share
Building csm_share_cpl7 with output to file /glade/derecho/scratch/erik/SMS_D_Ld5_Vmct.f10_f10_mg37.I2000Clm50BgcCrop.derecho_intel.mosart-default.GC.mosart1__48_ctsm51d161delist/bld/csm_share_cpl7.bldlog.240108-175127
   Calling /glade/derecho/scratch/erik/ctsm5.1.dev161/components/cpl7/buildlib.csm_share_cpl7
         - Building clm library 
Building lnd with output to /glade/derecho/scratch/erik/SMS_D_Ld5_Vmct.f10_f10_mg37.I2000Clm50BgcCrop.derecho_intel.mosart-default.GC.mosart1__48_ctsm51d161delist/bld/lnd.bldlog.240108-175127
/glade/derecho/scratch/erik/ctsm5.1.dev161/src/main/clm_initializeMod.F90(167): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file.  Check INCLUDE paths.   [CROPCALSTREAMMOD]

/glade/derecho/scratch/erik/ctsm5.1.dev161/src/main/clm_initializeMod.F90(167): error #6580: Name in only-list does not exist or is not accessible.   [CROPCAL_INIT]

/glade/derecho/scratch/erik/ctsm5.1.dev161/src/main/clm_initializeMod.F90(167): error #6580: Name in only-list does not exist or is not accessible.   [CROPCAL_INTERP]

/glade/derecho/scratch/erik/ctsm5.1.dev161/src/main/clm_initializeMod.F90(167): error #6580: Name in only-list does not exist or is not accessible.   [CROPCAL_ADVANCE]

/glade/derecho/scratch/erik/ctsm5.1.dev161/src/main/clm_driver.F90(63): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file.  Check INCLUDE paths.   [CROPCALSTREAMMOD]

/glade/derecho/scratch/erik/ctsm5.1.dev161/src/main/clm_driver.F90(63): error #6580: Name in only-list does not exist or is not accessible.   [CROPCAL_ADVANCE]

/glade/derecho/scratch/erik/ctsm5.1.dev161/src/main/clm_driver.F90(63): error #6580: Name in only-list does not exist or is not accessible.   [CROPCAL_INTERP]

Component lnd build complete with 2 warnings
clm built in 4.446077 seconds
ERROR: BUILD FAIL: clm.buildlib
ekluzek commented 6 months ago

Both tests are duplicated for NUOPC, so they will be removed in #74