Parallel Ocean Program (POP2) in CESM
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Highres jra bgc #34

Closed mnlevy1981 closed 3 years ago

mnlevy1981 commented 4 years ago

Description of changes:

Create a new compset set up to run a G compset with JRA forcing and the MARBL tracers enabled on the tx0.1v3 grid. Will also automatically use CICE4 for existing _HR compsets.


Test case/suite: I'll run aux_pop and aux_pop_MARBL when this is ready to be merged and update the results in a later comment Test status: I expect this to be bit-for-bit, since the high-res compsets are not tested.

Fixes #30 Fixes #29

User interface (namelist or namelist defaults) changes? None

mnlevy1981 commented 3 years ago

6d72b75 allows us to select a different advection scheme for ecosystem tracers with virtual fluxes. Running with

tadvect_ctype = 'centered'
ecosys_tadvect_ctype = 'upwind3'
ecosys_vflux_tadvect_ctype = 'base_model'

Results in


Advection options

        Tracer Name   Advection Option
               TEMP           centered
               SALT           centered
                PO4            upwind3
                NO3            upwind3
               SiO3            upwind3
                NH4            upwind3
                 Fe            upwind3
                Lig            upwind3
                 O2            upwind3
                DIC           centered
        DIC_ALT_CO2           centered
                ALK           centered
        ALK_ALT_CO2           centered
                DOC            upwind3
                DON            upwind3
                DOP            upwind3
               DOPr            upwind3
               DONr            upwind3
               DOCr            upwind3
               zooC            upwind3
              spChl            upwind3
                spC            upwind3
                spP            upwind3
               spFe            upwind3
            spCaCO3            upwind3
            diatChl            upwind3
              diatC            upwind3
              diatP            upwind3
             diatFe            upwind3
             diatSi            upwind3
            diazChl            upwind3
              diazC            upwind3
              diazP            upwind3
             diazFe            upwind3
               IAGE           centered

The default for ecosys_tadvect_ctype is upwind3 for the tx0.1v3 grid but base_model the rest of the time; default for ecosys_vflux_tadvect_ctype is always base_model

mnlevy1981 commented 3 years ago

I've finished testing -- aux_pop on cheyenne (intel only), and aux_pop_MARBL (cheyenne for intel and gnu, hobart for nag and pgi) performed as expected: NLCOMP failures for BGC compsets, but all tests ran successfully and were bit-for-bit with baselines. Here's what'll be in the change log:

Tag Creator: mlevy
Developers:  mlevy, klindsay
Tag Date:    30 July 2020
Tag Name:    cesm_pop_2_1_20200730
Tag Summary: Add new compset for high-res G case that is forced by JRA and
             includes BGC (G1850ECOIAF_JRA_HR)
             1. Newer version of MARBL (just a bugfix)
             2. New feature: set tavg_contents_override_file in user_nl_pop
                to replace fully resolved tavg_contents file with one created
                by hand
             3. Add a few more valid spacecurve pe layouts for high-res
             4. Different default PE layout for new compset than high-res without BGC
             5. Add BGC initial condition and forcing file namelist defaults for tx0.1v3
             6. Clean up ecosys namelists (don't include variables that aren't used)
             7. New testmoddir that lets us test new compset with CICE namelist
                changes that appear in production runs
             8. New ecosys_vflux_tadvect_ctype namelist var sets tadvect_ctype
                for tracers with virtual fluxes; now existing ecosys_tadvect_ctype
                only applies to those without
             9. Additional tavg variables to allow some variables to appear in
                multiple tavg streams and / or be truncated to top 150m
                * TEMP_2, TEMP_z_t_150m
                * SALT_2, SALT_z_t_150m
                * UVEL_2, UVEL_z_t_150m
                * VVEL_2, VVEL_z_t_150m
                * SHF_QSW_2
                * All passive tracers have _2 and _z_t_150m variants as well

Testing: aux_pop (cheyenne_intel) and aux_pop_MARBL (cheyenne intel & gnu plus
         hobart nag and pgi); non-BGC compsets are bit-for-bit with no namelist
         changes. BGC compsets fail NLCOMP (expected; see 6 above) but are still