Parallel Ocean Program (POP2) in CESM
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print_MARBL_log sometimes hangs on error instead of cleanly exiting #46

Open mnlevy1981 opened 3 years ago

mnlevy1981 commented 3 years ago

Description of the issue:

@kristenkrumhardt pointed this out -- under some situations, she was seeing

ERROR reported from MARBL library

in cesm.log but then MPI_Abort() was never triggered. It looks like something funny is happening in exit_POP()?


Machine/Environment Description:


Any xml/namelist changes or SourceMods:

I was able to recreate this error with the following steps:

  1. create a G1850ECOIAF compset with the T62_g17 resolution
  2. copy /glade/work/kristenk/cesm_work/cesm2.2_4P4Z_tuningcases/g.e22a06.G1850ECOIAF.T62_g17.4p4z.001/user_nl_marbl3.old into the case directory as user_nl_marbl (to enable 4 autotrophs / 4 zooplankton)
  3. add


    to user_nl_pop.

See the case in /glade/work/mlevy/codes/CESM/cesm2.2.0/cases/g.e22.G1850ECOIAF.T62_g17.hang_not_ab ort (rundir: /glade/scratch/mlevy/g.e22.G1850ECOIAF.T62_g17.hang_not_abort/run)