Parallel Ocean Program (POP2) in CESM
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moving VVEL or WVEL to daily stream leads to model crash when monthly tavg files written #65

Open klindsay28 opened 2 years ago

klindsay28 commented 2 years ago

Description of the issue:

Reported on DiscussCESM Forum by user ZhangZJ.

Moving VVEL or WVEL to daily stream leads to model crash in tavg_write_vars_nstd_ccsm. The problem is hard-coded indices in 2nd dimension of io_dims_nstd_ccsm.


Machine/Environment Description: cheyenne

Any xml/namelist changes or SourceMods: Copy gx1v7_tavg_contents into SourceMods/src.pop and change stream of VVEL or WVEL from 1 to 2.

Fix is to replace hardcoded indices in 2nd dimension of io_dims_nstd_ccsm with tavg_MOC, tavg_N_HEAT, or tavg_N_SALT, depending on which variable is being written. User confirms that this fixes problem on their platform.