Parameterization for Unified Microphysics Across Scales
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PUMAS Science Updates #28

Closed andrewgettelman closed 2 years ago

andrewgettelman commented 3 years ago

Revised code that adds a few things to PUMAS

  1. fixes issue #20 (Ice number limiter for nucleation)
  2. adds in vapor deposition onto snow as a process
  3. Fall speed correction for rain/snow/graupel (namelist option turned on)
  4. Option for implicit fall speed (namelist option, initially off)
  5. Option for the accretion to see newly autoconverted rain (liquid only, namelist option, initially off).

Will try to merge these with a PR if I can figure it out.

andrewgettelman commented 2 years ago

Mostly done now: think we want to rename micro_mg3_0.F90 to micro_pumas1_0.F90. Will need some help/instructions from @Katetc on how to do that.