Parameterization for Unified Microphysics Across Scales
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Analytic Reflectivity (*REFL*) diagnostic output #33

Closed andrewgettelman closed 2 years ago

andrewgettelman commented 2 years ago

The rain rate (rainrt) used in the analytic reflectivity calculation is never set except to zero.

The correct formulation would look something like this:

` ! rainrt is the rain rate in mm/hr (rainrt= rflx*3600.) ! reflectivity (dum) is in DBz

    if (rflx(i,k+1).ge.rthrsh) then


I will work on figuring out how and when to push this back into micro_m3_0.F90. It needs to go in the PUMAS update, plus whatever master version is in the repo

andrewgettelman commented 2 years ago

This was fixed in a recent pumas update