ESGF / esgf-ansible

A repository to hold Ansible inventory, playbooks, roles and tasks that specify the details of ESGF Node deployments.
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udunits2==2.2.27 #111

Closed alaniwi closed 5 years ago

alaniwi commented 5 years ago

earlier conda builds of udunits 2.2.5 are lacking an activate script


The consequence of this is that the necessary environment variable UDUNITS_XML_PATH is not set when activating the publisher conda environment.

This pull request suggests installing 2.2.27 but would need testing before merging to check whether with this change it will work as a consistent conda environment. I haven't tested this. If not, then a smaller upgrade (e.g. 2.2.26 or a later 2.2.25) may be needed. Check for the presence of /usr/local/conda/envs/esgf-pub/etc/conda/activate.d/ (and corresponding deactivate script in deactivate.d) after installation.

nathanlcarlson commented 5 years ago

I am going to go ahead and merge this and test with some other changes in devel. If there are problems I will let you know.

alaniwi commented 5 years ago

Thanks, @nathanlcarlson

alaniwi commented 5 years ago

@glevava for your info.