ESGF / esgf-ansible

A repository to hold Ansible inventory, playbooks, roles and tasks that specify the details of ESGF Node deployments.
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Upgrading node GLIBC issue #153

Open kserradell opened 3 years ago

kserradell commented 3 years ago

In collaboration with @pabretonniere, we are trying to update data node (v2.8.1-master-release) with esgf-ansible procedure but we are having a major issue.

This method seems to be currently broken for a CentOS 6.9 node. Conda installs a python version without glibc 2.12 support and consequently, fails.

We tried to upgrade from 6.9 to 7 but the upgrade crashed (we add a snapshot of the VM so we can easily roll back).

We need to update the node to solve a publisher issue but we are currently stuck. Any advice?

Thank you!

skremdwd commented 2 years ago

Replace the following part of line 9 in roles/conda/tasks/main.yml:




This fixed my error. Maybe you also need to delete the current conda installation (at your own risk, i'm installing on a fresh machine) and remove the old script at /tmp/ beforehand. This will install Conda 4.8 directly with Python 3.8.