ESGF / esgf-installer

ESGF P2P Node Installer
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Plumbum may not inherit the parent environment by default #534

Closed nathanlcarlson closed 6 years ago

nathanlcarlson commented 6 years ago

The auto installer failed during and esgsetup command.

Allow anonymous logging usage to help improve UV-CDAT(you can also set the environment variable UVCDAT_ANONYMOUS_LOG to yes or no)? [yes]/no: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 437, in <module>
  File "", line 320, in main
    system_component_installation(esg_dist_url, node_type_list)
  File "", line 179, in system_component_installation
  File "/home/jenkins/repos/esgf-installer/data_node/", line 200, in main
  File "/home/jenkins/repos/esgf-installer/data_node/", line 69, in run_esgsetup
    esg_functions.call_binary("esgsetup", esg_setup_options)
  File "/home/jenkins/repos/esgf-installer/esgf_utilities/", line 945, in call_binary
    output = command.__getitem__(arguments) & TEE
  File "/usr/local/conda/envs/esgf-pub/lib/python2.7/site-packages/plumbum/commands/", line 217, in __rand__
    return p.returncode, stdout, stderr
  File "/usr/local/conda/envs/esgf-pub/lib/python2.7/", line 24, in __exit__
  File "/usr/local/conda/envs/esgf-pub/lib/python2.7/site-packages/plumbum/commands/", line 212, in bgrun
  File "/usr/local/conda/envs/esgf-pub/lib/python2.7/site-packages/plumbum/commands/", line 201, in runner
    return run_proc(p, retcode, timeout)
  File "/usr/local/conda/envs/esgf-pub/lib/python2.7/site-packages/plumbum/commands/", line 232, in run_proc
    return _check_process(proc, retcode, timeout, stdout, stderr)
  File "/usr/local/conda/envs/esgf-pub/lib/python2.7/site-packages/plumbum/commands/", line 23, in _check_process
    proc.verify(retcode, timeout, stdout, stderr)
  File "/usr/local/conda/envs/esgf-pub/lib/python2.7/site-packages/plumbum/machines/", line 26, in verify
plumbum.commands.processes.ProcessExecutionError: Command line: [u'/usr/local/conda/envs/esgf-pub/bin/esgsetup', u'--config', u'--minimal-setup', u'--rootid', u'llnl']
Exit code: 1

Even though the environment variable was properly set beforehand.

os.environ["UVCDAT_ANONYMOUS_LOG"] = "no"