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SC membership changes #94

Closed sashakames closed 1 year ago

sashakames commented 1 year ago

updates to the lists and removing duplicate info.

mauzey1 commented 1 year ago

@sashakames It seems that no place on the website links to the governance page. The Governance link under the documents navigation menu goes to a PDF file. Should that link go to the governance page instead?

sashakames commented 1 year ago

Thank you for catching that. I saw the lists on that page but didn't realize it doesn't link. Perhaps best to just delete the file then.

mauzey1 commented 1 year ago

Wouldn't it be better to keep the page since it can be updated instead of linking to a document from 2017?

sashakames commented 1 year ago

Good question Chris. Lets keep things simple/as is for now. The website has needed a major overhaul for a very long time, but out of scope for our work.

sashakames commented 1 year ago

Thank you @mauzey1 !!