ESIPFed / SOI_harmonization

The data harmonization repository for Soil Ontology and Informatics cluster.
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Sample location #1

Open ktoddbrown opened 3 years ago

ktoddbrown commented 3 years ago

How are time/space described for layer level data in your database?

Ex: ISCN3 has latitude-longitude-datum with depth from surface or mineral-organic interface with down in the positive direction. Upper and lower bounds for the layers are specified. Observation time is entered as a MM-DD-YYYY object and converted to an Excel days since integer.

column_name description unit
lat (dec. deg) Latitude dec. deg
long (dec. deg) Longitude dec. deg
datum (datum Latitude/Longitude Datum (datum)
layer_top Layer Top cm
layer_bot Layer Bottom cm
observation_date (YYYY-MM-DD) Observation Date YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY
layer_top (cm) Layer Top cm
layer_bot (cm) Layer Bottom cm
profile_zero_ref (profile_zero_ref) Zero reference for the layer bounds topO - top of O horizon; botO - bottom of the O horizon

Relevant columns from the layer table example is below

lat (dec. deg) long (dec. deg) datum (datum) observation_date (YYYY-MM-DD) layer_top (cm) layer_bot (cm)
35.929699999999997 -89.877499999999998 WGS84 41240 112 132
35.929699999999997 -89.877499999999998 WGS84 41240 0 25
35.929699999999997 -89.877499999999998 WGS84 41240 25 38
35.929699999999997 -89.877499999999998 WGS84 41240 38 48

Relevant columns from the profile table example is below

lat (dec. deg) long (dec. deg) datum (datum) profile_zero_ref (profile_zero_ref) layer_top (cm) layer_bot (cm)
60.521900000000002 -150.68600000000001 NAD27 topO 0 190
60.5242 -151.03700000000001 NAD27 topO 0 207
60.3583 -151.35499999999999 NAD27 topO 0 200
60.050199999999997 -151.50300999999999 NAD27 topO 0 207
ktoddbrown commented 3 years ago

Date-time standards are fairly well addressed here: Should be noted that this format does not deal with BC dates which could be an issue with age models but won't be an issue for observation times. (HT Tanja W for the pointer)

srearl commented 3 years ago

SoDaH uses a nearly identical approach to ISCN3 for location details except that SoDaH uses an ISO date, and latitude and longitude (i.e., does not request a datum). Location data can be at either the location or profile level depending on the resolution. For example, if location data are at the level of a site, a single location is provided in the location section of the metadata template, whereas if location data are available for every data point then they are included in the profile section of the metadata template.

location variables (coordinate) from the location section the metadata template (this is the default)

Var_long var Level
Location name location_name location
Latitude (degrees) lat location
Longitude (degrees) long location

location variables (depth) from the profile section the metadata template (this is the default)

unit_levels Var_long var Level Notes givenUnit class type hardUnit
cm Layer Top layer_top layer cm numeric cm
cm Layer Bottom layer_bot layer cm numeric cm
Layer middle layer_mid layer cm numeric cm
Horizon hzn layer character

example location variables

location_name lat long
H.J. Andrews 44.231 -122.22
H.J. Andrews 44.231 -122.22
H.J. Andrews 44.231 -122.22
H.J. Andrews 44.231 -122.22
H.J. Andrews 44.231 -122.22
H.J. Andrews 44.231 -122.22

example location (depth) variables - only the depths of the top and bottom of the layer are included in this dataset

layer_top layer_bot
0 10
0 10
0 10
0 10
0 10
brownag commented 3 years ago

Here are three USDA-NRCS databases. The NASIS "Pedon" tables used for storing point data (not necessarily laboratory, but all lab pedons have pedon data entries) by USDA-NRCS soil scientists, and SSURGO, which is our geographic database available via the Soil Data Access API.

Not quite the same as the more research oriented data models, since our databases have a lot of hierarchy/parent-child relationships... but I think I was able to follow your format more or less! I linked to the source of the table and column information for these two.

NASIS Pedon tables (used by USDA-NRCS soil scientists)

var_long var description
site.latstddecimaldegrees Standard Latitude Standardized latitude value in decimal degrees, in geographic coordinate system, WGS84 datum. Values are either auto-populated from GPS, or computed from original latitude coordinates using standard conversion algorithms.
site.longstddecimaldegrees Standard Longitude Standardized longitude value in decimal degrees, in geographic coordinate system, WGS84 datum. Values are either auto-populated from GPS, or computed from original longitude coordinates using standard conversion algorithms.
- Latitude/Longitude Datum WGS84 (implied in metadata of above two columns)
phorizon.hzdept (Pedon Horizon) Top Depth The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon. cm
phorizon.hzdepb (Pedon Horizon) Bottom Depth The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon. (cm)
siteobs.obsdate Observation Date T-SQL DateTime (MM/DD/YYYY in metadata)
- Zero reference for the layer bounds topO (by convention/definition of organic soil material as soil material)

SSURGO (via Soil Data Access)

SSURGO is the soil survey geographic database comprised of hierarchical tables representing map units, comprised of soil components, which are related to vector (polygon) data for location. These are the digital products of soil surveys spanning 100+ years. Not a standard "research" dataset, but I figured it could be put in these terms.

var_long var description
mupolygon.mupolygongeo Mapunit Polygon (Geographic) A set of geographic (WGS84) coordinates that defines an instance of a map unit polygon.
- Latitude/Longitude Datum WGS84 (implied in geographic column)
chorizon.hzdept_r Component Horizon Top Depth Representative Horizon Top Depth (typical value); see hzdept_l and hzdept_h for "low" and "high"
chorizon.hzdepb_r Component Horizon Bottom Depth Representative Horizon Top Depth (typical value); see hzdepb_l and hzdepb_h for "low" and "high"
legend.cordate Legend Correlation Date The date the final correlation document for a soil survey is signed, expressed as month, year (e.g. 07/1999) (MM/YYYY)
- Zero reference for the layer bounds topO (by convention/definition of organic soil material as soil material)

Kellog Soil Survey Laboratory (KSSL) / Laboratory Information System (LIMS) data via Soil Data Access**

**Note that the LIMS snapshot via SDA is a draft API at this point, but the lab_ tables are in there. And the main point is to illustrate that the lab maintains a linkage of their laboratory data and database tables to the NASIS pedon structure.

var_long var description
lab_pedon.pedlabsampnum Unique Pedon Identifier Assigned by laboratory to samples or subsamples, linked to a NASIS pedon
lab_pedon.user_pedon_id User Pedon ID (NASIS text-based ID)
lab_layer.labsampnum Unique Layer Identifier Assigned by laboratory to samples or subsamples, linked to a NASIS pedon horizon
lab_combine_nasis_ncss.latitude_decimal_degrees Standard Latitude These are derived from the site.* records corresponding to pedlabsampnum
lab_combine_nasis_ncss.longitude_decimal_degrees Standard Longitude These are derived from the site.* records corresponding to pedlabsampnum
- Latitude/Longitude Datum WGS84 (implied in metadata of above two columns)
lab_layer.hzn_top (Lab Layer) Top Depth The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon. cm
lab_layer.hzn_bot (Lab Layer) Bottom Depth The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon. (cm)
lab_combine_nasis_ncss.site_obsdate Observation Date Reference to NASIS Site Observation record ID
- Zero reference for the layer bounds topO (by convention/definition of organic soil material as soil material)