ESIPFed / Semantic-Portal

The ESIP Semantic Portal is an ontology repository for the Earth Sciences based upon technology from the NCBO Bioportal.
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Recommender output has URL error #8

Open mayernik opened 7 years ago

mayernik commented 7 years ago

The ontology recommender is giving bad URLs for the ontologies it returns. Specifically, the urls for the ontologies are malformed. For example, when submitting some text, it returned this URL for the PEO ontology. The same error was present for all 5 that returned when I tried it:


graybeal commented 7 years ago

I think that will be a configuration value 'somewhere', that maybe has where it should have the same link without the http://

It makes me realize that the URLs for everything are of the form when they could be (links of the second form do resolve on this system). I think that's also a configurable item.

If whoever set up that system doesn't know quite which attribute to change, I can email the support list to get the likely answer, just let me know.

linepouchard commented 7 years ago

Hi John @graybeal and everyone:

@mayernik thank you for raising the issue.

The latest release of the​ Bioportal​ Virtual Appliance, the one installed, is from April 2015​​.​ A newer one would be useful as soon as your team at Stanford can accommodate the priority (among the numerous others). ​ These bugs had been painstakingly ironed out (manually) on our previous install at SC but re-appeared with the re-reinstall ​on the ec2 cloud instance ​requested by the Semantic Technologies committee in June 2016 for the sake of the evaluation.

My student who was maintaining the portal ​this year ​has now graduated since last month and is gainfully employed (congratulations Partha, and​ a big​ thank you​ on behalf of the community​ for your efforts maintaining this portal​​).

So we are back to the sustainability and governance challenges that were recently revived here: ​and have been thoroughly discussed in the STC and ESIP​.

Is there a clear path going forward? or at least glimpses of light as to how this will go forward? ​I am optimistic that ESIP is on its way to come to a resolution.


graybeal commented 7 years ago

Is there a clear path going forward? or at least glimpses of light as to how this will go forward?

Not sure if this is asking about the VA or the sustainability and governance! But I can speak to the VA. (And I already spoke to ESIPFed/stc#19 in that thread anyway. Definitely a real challenge.)

We have started working on an update to the VA. At best we expect it will take 6 to 8 weeks. But it is at the highest priority for us.

I haven't been aware of this as a bug in the VA before now (I'll confirm that), which is why I'm hoping it's a configuration fix. So! Shall I ask the list for advice, or do we want to wait for the report from the ESIPFed?

It's possible I could figure out what to do on the portal, but you, or someone, would have to give me the access permissions.

linepouchard commented 7 years ago

yes, please ask the list for advice.

do you know when the evaluation report comes out?

graybeal commented 7 years ago

I've created a ticket on our end (, am having our team, and others as needed, have a look.

No idea when the evaluation report comes out, other than what was sent to the list about it a week or so ago (seems pretty soon).

jvendetti commented 6 years ago

This issue is fixed in the latest release of the virtual appliance (version 2.5, release candidate 3).