ESIPFed / gsoc

Project ideas and mentor guidance for ESIP members to participate in Google Summer of Code.
Apache License 2.0
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Create a test suite and linter tooling for CovJSON #26

Closed lewismc closed 5 years ago

lewismc commented 5 years ago


CoverageJSON (typically shortened to CovJSON) is a format for encoding coverage data like grids, time series, and vertical profiles, distinguished by the geometry of their spatiotemporal domain. A CoverageJSON object represents a domain, a range, a coverage, or a collection of coverages. A range in CoverageJSON represents coverage values. A coverage in CoverageJSON is the combination of a domain, parameters, ranges, and additional metadata. A coverage collection represents a list of coverages.

Project Description

This project seeks to develop and provide


@lewismc , NASA JPL @jonblower, Institute for Environmental Analytics

Required Knowledge

Knowledge of environmental observation data which captures structures such as grids, time series, and vertical profiles, distinguished by the geometry of their spatiotemporal domain. Understanding what these data structures are is fundamental to achieving excellence in this project, that is to say, working with that kind of data should be something you are already interested in and experience in.

shfrz commented 5 years ago

I am interested! Tried to contact you since @lewismc on slack etc.

lewismc commented 5 years ago

hi @shfrz great, please start working on a proposal. Is there anything you need clarification on regrarding the above proposal?

shfrz commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot for replying! I am really sorry that I showed up late. But the best part is that during the GSoC period, I would be available full time 'cause I have no commitments for the college as I would be on a full two month vacation!

lewismc commented 5 years ago

@shfrz as we spoke about offline the final date for submitting a proposal is tomorrow. If you would like to be considered then you MUST submit a proposal by tomorrow this is mandated by Google. Thank you

shfrz commented 5 years ago

Sure! Trying hard ! "Only one, but ripe" :)

shfrz commented 5 years ago

Submitted the draft proposal for review. Hope you checked that!

OLavrik commented 5 years ago

Hi @lewismc,

So interesting and knowledgeful tasks. I really like it and already submitted a proposal.

I wish for further collaboration.

Regards, Olya Lavrichenko

lewismc commented 5 years ago

Thank you all for your proposals and your interest in ESIP. Unfortunately this project was not selected this year.

shfrz commented 5 years ago

Really heartbreaking ...