ESIPFed / - providing guidance for publishing as JSON-LD for the sciences
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SOSO guidance should provide an identifier for metadata that conforms to the spec #169

Open smrgeoinfo opened 3 years ago

smrgeoinfo commented 3 years ago

It would be useful for client applications to know that a given metadata record conforms to the science on recommendations. Currently 'conformsTo' is a property under discussion, but dct:conformsTo is already widely used. Usage would be like:

  "@context": {
    "@vocab": ""
  "@id": "",

In the guidance document, we'd need to add some introductory text stating that "To identify a metadata record as conforming to the recommendations in this document, use the URI '' as in the example above.

charlesvardeman commented 3 years ago

There is also the Profiles Vocabulary from the W3C Dataset Exchange Working Group. The Profiles Vocabulary uses dcterms:conformsTo connecting an rdf:Resource to a dcterms:Standard. Profile is a subclass of dcterms:Standard so that would work for except I think it needs to become a URI.

"@context": {
    "@vocab": ""
  "@id": "",

That would allow the option to create a dereferenceable identifier in the future where

<>  prof:isProfileOf <> .

I think meets the definition of a prof:Profile, I.e., "A specification that constrains, extends, combines, or provides guidance or explanation about the usage of other specifications."

smrgeoinfo commented 3 years ago

@charlesvardeman we're on the same page. What we need is that URI for the SOSO profile. It needs to be explictly stated in the guidance document. I think '' would be a bad choice for the profile URI. It should at least be a github tag. See also #170 for question as to whether the value should be a LOD URI, or just a URI string. What are your thoughts about that?

smrgeoinfo commented 2 years ago

I see that DataOne is using something like this to identify metadata conforming to SOSO 'profile': "formatId": ";ld+json"

mbjones commented 2 years ago

Yes, that comes from our format vocabulary that we use for typing METADATA and DATA format types consistently across the federation: