ESIPFed / - providing guidance for publishing as JSON-LD for the sciences
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Real world examples #180

Open huberrob opened 2 years ago

huberrob commented 2 years ago

Thank you for all the valuable tips and guidance! What I would still be interested in is whether there are also real-world examples, i.e. datasets that set all recommendations to 100%.

ashepherd commented 2 years ago

Ah that's a good idea to share sites that are following the guidelines

Here's our site:

@fils does EarthCube or GeoCODES publish a list?

mbjones commented 2 years ago

At DataONE, we have harvested 10,786 SOSO examples. You can find these through our catalog web interface (, but also through SOLR to slice and dice what is there and pull out the SOSO format documents specifically. For example, here's the list of current versions of all SOSO documents, with links to them to download (this is a paging query, showing the first 100 rows):*+AND+formatType:METADATA+AND+-obsoletedBy:*&fl=identifier,id,size,formatId,checksum,checksumAlgorithm,replicaMN,dataUrl,datasource&rows=100&wt=json

This is addition to the 850K+ domain-specific metadata records we collect in the same system, and we will be onboarding new repositories using SOSO metadata over the next few months.

smrgeoinfo commented 2 years ago

Gecodes is harvesting alot of metadata for datasets, but I don't think we're running any kind of validation to determine if it is conformant with SOSO recommendations. We are certainly trying to get provides to follow those recommendations...