ESIPFed / - providing guidance for publishing as JSON-LD for the sciences
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Get list of adopters/implementers to include in the Endorsement #198

Closed ashepherd closed 2 years ago

ashepherd commented 2 years ago

Data providers/repositories:

Qualifier: These 'X' have expressed interest and intent, and some have implemented one of the guidelines.

Data harvesters/aggregators:

mbjones commented 2 years ago

We discussed the lsit of endorsers/implementors on the SOSO cluster call on 2020-06-06 and agreed that a representative list was sufficient for the endorsement. I updated the list of providers above. In addition, @datadavev suggested that a list of aggregators that utilize the SOSO guidelines would be good as well, and @mbjones added that list above and in the endorsement document. The endorsement document now reads as follows:

In addition, a wide variety of programs and projects either have already adopted or are considering adopting these guidelines. Groups publishing records using science on guidelines include DataONE, EarthCube, Polder, MagIC, IOC-UNESCO IODE, NASA, Soil Informatics, BCO-DMO, Arctic Data Center, Netherlands Polar Data Center, Dryad, and Hydroshare, among many others. In addition, several data networks and aggregators are now consuming based records to build federated search systems, including DataONE, Polder, GeoCodes, and Google Dataset Search.

Closing this issue as completed.